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Member Since:Mar 02, 2009
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Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on waspiesbeast's review
Great review! I agree. But don’t take it wrong. It’s the other way round. Don’t waste your time debating with morons which is all that indiamike consists of- poor, uneducated people from abroad who haven’t learned any manners. Just ignore them. Think of it as a dark alley of the web, that consist Read More...
Commented on sitaram218's review
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Rated on ninja11's review
Commented on ninja11's review
Great review! I agree. But don't take it wrong. It's the other way round. Don't waste your time debating with morons which is all that indiamike consists of- poor, uneducated people from abroad who haven't learned any manners. Just ignore them. Think of it as a dark alley of the web, that consis Read More...
Commented on UKindian76's review
India Mike is a total crap forum. Don't spend you're time with the uneducated foreigners there who are probably half as educated as you. They're lost and frustrated and hardly can spend a penny. Makes good sense for th Indian government to kick them out.
Rated on UKindian76's review
Fantastic review. You must understand that most of these little losers on India Mike, an absolutely crappy forum, consists of these poor uneducated foreigners who haven’t even passed school, with the occasional exception of a few 'human' people. The sort that are frustrated and don’t have a Read More...
Followed waspiesbeast
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