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Member Since:Jun 10, 2017
220 MS Points
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So tasty.... and so softy...
Reviewed MTR Instant Gulab Jamun Mix
MTR gulab jam is so tasty. Avery one to like the sweet and the taste it avery one to see it look like very nice. So small is very very taste. So. Childs alsoRead more...
So it very tasty to like it
Reviewed Haldiram Soan Papdi
Haldirm soan papdi is a very good sweet. So it very like it me and so tasty so very nice sweet. Soan papdi is sweet to which give the sweet. Soan papdi is Read more...
Taste it now "FAB"
Reviewed Parle Hide & Seek Fab
Parle hide and seek biscuits. So very tasty and choculate biscuits. Childerns are have to like fab. Good quality biscuits. Really so very taste and soRead more...
IT'S Maggi time...
Reviewed Maggi Noodles
So many childerns to like it maggi. School childerns and students also like the maggi. Avery boday to like the maggi and love it. Maggi iRead more...
Reviewed Brylcreem Shampoo
24 Hr Anti dandruff action climbazole enriched classic gloss. BRYLCREEM DANDRUFF PROTECT HAIR CREAM FOR GLOOSSY LOOK. Brylcreems dandruff protect hairRead more...
Tasty Biscuits
Reviewed Britannia Good Day Biscuits
Britannia good day biscuit is ver tasty. So it like smile and it gives smile so any to share to came it smile out side. We got smile any one . High quality bRead more...
I love it...
Reviewed Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk
The Cadbury Dairy Milk is all love it. So girls or chiderns love it. All most the lot of girls to love it Cadbury Dairy Milk. The festivals or any funRead more...
Super net opertor..
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
My sim is also vodafone. The best net work opertor. The vodafone opertor has 3 options like 2G, 3G, 4G. Data usages so very good. The best data work is usageRead more...
Best Tab....
Reviewed Lenovo Tab3 7 Essential
Lenovo Tab 3 is the best tab phone. The best tab phone . Best tab playing games, photos, apps, etc., Lenovo tab is the best prize is only 6, 999. Tab is so cRead more...
Vivo V5... is a selfie phone
Reviewed Vivo V5
Vivo is the best phone in the mobiles. Sangemetra has offerd get to buy . So very smart phone and the other phones are are not best. The best phone in the mobRead more...
Thank u to S. S. Rajamouli.
Reviewed S. S. Rajamouli
First a fall thank u to rajamouli. S. S. Rajamouli has directed in so many movies like Eega, Chatrapati, Bhaubali, etc., In prabhas action has acted very wellRead more...
Maa tv... has change the Star Maa..
Reviewed Maa TV
Daily I will watching maa tv super chanel in 2nd plece in all chanels. One day Maa tv has totally changed to Star Maa. No.1 chanel has to see all like movies,Read more...
MGB Feclity Mall
Reviewed MGB Felicity Mall - Dargamitta - Nellore
This mall is recantly open in Nellore. All feclitices are avalable in the mall. In this mall so many items are get together like Big bazar, The cinema, CMR, SRead more...
Slow net work
Reviewed ACT
Act net is very slow . So the night time is not connected at 7: 00 to8: 50 between these time slow. To please chek the internet concetion. Act fibre net exacRead more...
100% just for u Just dail
Reviewed Justdial
Just dail is an website. To search any thing like online tickets , shoping, clinc, etc., Its a largest app in India. The software company to develop the apps Read more...
Booking tickets
Reviewed Booking
I understand that This is not a conformed ticket and agree to accepted the tickets. I support max. rate of the tickets to buy on online to booking any mobile Read more...
Family Movie
Reviewed Rarandoi Veduka Chudham
Rarandoi veduka chudam is a family movie . The hero and heron cercater as rich family. The relation between the Rakul and Naga chaityna is relation togethar. Read more...
Mass maharaj
Reviewed Power
I am a fan of Ravi teja. He is solo hero of Tollywood. In the movie power is his cercater police officer . In film the power full pounch . Bengal tiger has noRead more...
Vardy double lifts Leicester
Reviewed Football Focus
Jamie vardy scored twice as a revitalised Leicester City started life without sacked manager Claudio Ranier by sinking 3-1 on Monday to spark its Premier LeagRead more...
Reviewed Leela Mahal Cinema - Nellore
Leela mahal is one of the last place in Nellore teater. Natural the first placeis S2 complex, but as tes to copy the disgn from the S2 complex. But so very niRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Jayshree Toppo (@jayshreetoppo266MouthShut Verified Member)
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Shivendra Shrivastava (@swarnima456MouthShut Verified Member)
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Saiful Mondal (@Saiful743401MouthShut Verified Member)
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Sanjna Suresh (@KaarTech_IndiaMouthShut Verified Member)
Saloni Jagtani (@salonijagtani23MouthShut Verified Member)
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Captainplayer44 (@captainplayer827MouthShut Verified Member)
Ruchi bhardwaj (@ruchibhardwaj1429MouthShut Verified Member)
Soha Elbadry (@sohaelbadry25MouthShut Verified Member)
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