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Member Since:Mar 12, 2016
60 MS Points
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The worst honey in taste
Reviewed Patanjali Honey
I had purchased Patanjali Honey from Snapdeal. It is like a water. Honey should be quite thick and tasty. However it is not. All over in matter of taste, mateRead more...
Tiny owl is great for food
Reviewed Tinyowl
Tiny owl is good for food.Tiny owl gives you to search nearest restaurant with menu and price. So it is easy to order food from Tiny owl. I had ordered food mRead more...
Most worst and waste of money product.
Reviewed WD Elements 1TB Portable External Hard Drive
I had puchased Westen Digits portable hard drive. It is hardly work for 7 to 8 months properly after that it was giving usb connector issue. So it was frequenRead more...
Unbelivable product at Rs - 5999
Reviewed Swipe Elite
Hi Guys, I purchased a swipe elight phone before 6 months. It is faster and no lags while operating or playing heavy games. This mobile have 2 GB RAM and 16 GRead more...
Very nice and worth product at low price
Reviewed Seagate Backup Plus Slim 1 Tb 200 Gb Cloud Storage External Hard Drive
This is a nice product by segate. As you know segate is very good company in hard drive making. This product of a segate is awesome and long last durable withRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on beingsallu1989's review
Commented on jitendrakumawat40's review
Yes. It is a very nice site for online shopping.
Rated on jitendrakumawat40's review
Rated on aakashc846's review
Commented on aakashc846's review
I don't think so it is a good product.
Rated on manandmailbox's review
Commented on own review
Yes. It is a right choice for portable hard drive.
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