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Member Since:Mar 01, 2014
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Are you hell bent over to write fake reviews?AVOI
Reviewed Mannat Fertility Centre
Loser! Another fake review. What will you get with all these fake reviews? You dont sound like a doctor at all. Come on, be a sport and give me your addressRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on Reenamumbai's review
I am glad that you got rid of archana and found a blessing. Jan 2013 conception? Is it a boy or a girl? Congratulations. Sending oodles of blessing and love to the baby.
Commented on platha's review
great! most of the IVfs were done on 12/12/12 in this clinic. Be it archana flying to dubai on the same day from the US and again delivering babies in bangalore. Whew! she is one magician..A time traveller probably?
Commented on rohinikumar's review
what else does archana treat? constipation? hahhahaha lol babycatcher you have been very observant.
Commented on br16's review
thank god you ran away from that clinic. God bless you.
Rated on rohinikumar's review
Commented on ShanUSA125's review
you got a call from mannat to the US? and the beautician flew over there for an IVF? WOW..impressive..eh and then you came back to bangalore to write this fake review? hahahhahahaha...this was the best joke I have ever read
Rated on ShanUSA125's review
Commented on swarnima's review
I didnt go to her as a patient but I still regret meeting her. I can imagine your agony. All the best.
Commented on rohitrashmi's review
It will be just a test tube without any baby in this clinic. This is such a lame review
Commented on reachny's review
I second every comment in your review. You have poured your heart out here. Good riddance! All the best
Rated on swarnima's review
Rated on rohitrashmi's review
Commented on rajdv's review
really? that is so lame. Anyone with their grey matter active, wouldnt fall for this review.
Rated on reachny's review
Commented on dkny's review
I totally understand your plight. I almost plagiarised your 'go get a life'. All the best.
Rated on rajdv's review
Rated on dkny's review
Rated on drrajesh1224's review
Commented on drrajesh1224's review
Loser! another fake review. What will you get with all these fake reviews? You dont sound like a doctor at all. Let me tell you what? I am a doctor and I have been to archana as a mystery shopper. She is miserable dude. Go get a life and stop writing nonsense
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