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Member Since:May 26, 2017
100 MS Points
I'm a small boy with big dreams.
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Sab ka baap
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi A1
Xiomi mi is a different mode of android phone. It gives you a wonderful sound quality with multipurrpose functioning. Much convinient usage and at a very offoRead more...
Padman - a initiative of cinema
Reviewed Pad Man
Today I went to watch the movie padman ofcourse with my girlfriend. haha, its not always to go for romantic love stories or couple pleasures related movies, bRead more...
Lenovo k6 power
Reviewed Lenovo K6 Power 4GB RAM
Lenovo k6 power, it is a powerfull mobile indeed as it has maximum sound capacity which is very rare in other mobile phones. Its 4 gb RAM offers you the best Read more...
Intex aqua ace
Reviewed Intex Aqua Ace
The intex aqua ace is a smartest phone ive ever come accross. Its been three years and im still using this phone. Actually if you are thinking to get an intexRead more...
Htc desire 626
Reviewed HTC Desire 626
HTC desire 626 is a high-tech featuring cell phone of 21th century. This android mobile comes with the best user interface and high processing capability. HTCRead more...
Shopping is an entertainment
Reviewed Amazon
Amazon.in is the bestest site for shopping. Actually all the products which I need or which are neccessary to meh I get there. I just click on the app or searRead more...
Whirlpool delux 1.5 ton
Reviewed Whirlpool Mastermind Deluxe III 1.5 Ton 3 Star Split AC
Whirlpool mastermind delux ac proves its name . it is a ac with mastermind. One of the best ac I have till now for my office. Its best cooling feature and hiRead more...
Cafe coffee day heavenly place
Reviewed Cafe Coffee Day - Bailnathpara - Raipur
Cafe coffee day is a brand. Where ever you go you will find its one or two branches in all different cities of india. One of its branch in my place is in raipRead more...
Adidas casual wear
Reviewed Adidas Footwear
Adidas is one of my favorite clothing brand. Its t-shirts, lower, capri, cap, everything. They just brings a thing of comfort to you. It make you look little Read more...
Hindi Medium Nailed it totally
Reviewed Hindi Medium
The movie with perfection as we all already know its star caste the irfaan pathaan as the acting legend . He is a superb performer and so made this movie a trRead more...
Whirlpool 3D cool - enjoy the best natural air.
Reviewed Whirlpool 3D COOL DELUX III 2 Ton 3 Star Split AC
Whirlpool 3D cool Delux air conditioner is one of the best product this summer. This 2 ton product worth rupees 40000 approx. And this is my own experienced pRead more...
Coolpad cool 1 get the world in your hand
Reviewed Coolpad Cool 1 Dual 4GB RAM
Coolpad cool 1 offers you the best interface between you and the world. Its dual rear camera feature makes it more easy for you to capture your memories and mRead more...
Hp laser jet 1020 - most suitable printer
Reviewed HP LaserJet 1020 Plus
Hp LaseJet 1020 Plus is a powerful and most suitable printer for ur home or office network. Im telling this by my own experiences its the perfect Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Hain faaltu . Its too long and not understandable easily
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