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Member Since:Sep 08, 2005
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Xeta: 29000 KM Review
Reviewed Tata Indica V2 Xeta
I am a regular visitor of Mouthshut.com. This is my first review forgive me if you dont find this well organized as I am not a editors from Car and BikeRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on venurajagopal's review
Commented on venurajagopal's review
For overtaking no one would shift gear upward as it will cause power loss.
Rated on vishal.rinkuuu's review
Commented on vishal.rinkuuu's review
Thanks for sharing the tips and your good words around the same. I do agree your review is Baap of all the reviews on Xeta.
Commented on arjunsridharur's review
I doubt you are a genuin reviewer.!!!!!! Things are copied from Mahindra website.
Rated on kkdutta84's review
Followed sarab1232
Commented on sarab1232's review
Have you seen Kick start in any of the modern cars. Old cars there used to be handle in front to start the car in case of self not working. Same here, I am using pulsar 200 and never used kick to start the bike. By chance if any problem push and start should work.
Commented on aces_lko's review
Even though you agree with the fact that 'This is a big vehicle & definitely a big change from my old sedan' then why have you given only 3 starts for Space?????
Commented on harsha_vardhan_ghv's review
Very nice review. Could you please share if you have any data around mileage and performance?
Rated on vasu_mkv's review
Rated on nikhita12's review
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