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Member Since:Oct 19, 2005
0 MS Points
When the government started to harass me with its ''get educated'' (Padhna Likhna seekho , oh mehnat karne waalon) commercials , I decided to educate myself. I worked day and night in the fields ... even sang a song like Manoj Kumar . With the money that I earned, I somehow managed to get back my land from the evil zamindaar. I was a happy man as my sister did not have to dance a ''mujra'' in front of him anymore..... I am thus, the ''aankhon ka taara'' of my mother. Now, I am contemplating suicide. Why you ask ? I saw the money being made by copying , ingratiating crum like Mahesh Bhatt, Bappi Lahiri, Anu Malik and sundry other movie and song copiers. Great was my tragedy when I saw the crap that Ekta Kapoor makes for TV .... and I had to quaff a couple of glasses of water to clear my head when I saw the amount of money she makes. My life of sacrifice and hard work is thus a waste..... Even that hard work is nowehere compared to the Hindi movie heroine (take your pick, really) who said ''I worked so hard for this role .... ''. Imagining her sacrifices and hard work makes me feel ashamed of the times I complained that I got a raw deal. So, in the words of the immortal Jai ---- ''Doston, main ja raha hoon. GoodByeeeee ... !!!'' My Blog : http://www.objectiveindian.blogspot.com. reading, programming, More reading, cinema, charting stocks, robotics.
About Me
Education: MS
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Rats, Leptospira - Another urban legend is born
Reviewed Coca Cola
Rumour seems to be spreading about Coke cans somehow infected with rat urine and drinkers affected with Leptospira. This review intends to put this urban legeRead more...
Beware of the man who cares not for his life ....
Reviewed Man on Fire
The first thing that gets you when you watch the movie Man on Fire is a sense of foreboding ..... There is something sinister even in Read more...
The nature of evil ....
Reviewed OldBoy
WHY ?!?? A life turned upside down ... darkness all around... the voice in the background echoes the question ... what is more difficRead more...
A work of genius is a joy to behold !!
Reviewed The Miracle Worker
Tamaso ma jyothir gamaya .... A world of darkness, strange smells, touches and feelings that make no sense, no concept of words, things animate and inanimateRead more...
Masterful suspense movie !
Reviewed The Ninth Gate
Suspenseful masterpiece ! Its been quite a while since this movie has been released but I since I have discovered mouthshut.com recently, heres myRead more...
Overwhelming and flashy spectacle
Reviewed Troy
If ever you are a sucker for big spectacles and Greek mythology (as I am) ,this is your movie. This has everything, Hundreds of ships ... hundred of thousandsRead more...
An opportunity lost ....
Reviewed Daman
An opportunity lost ...., Trivialization of a all-too-real evil .... Idea gone horribly awry ... just a few titles to this review that I was thinking about. ARead more...
Awesome !! Bravo !! Great, great movie !
Reviewed Monsoon Wedding
After watching the movie for the 3rd time, I lean back with a sigh..... How long will it be before somebody makes an Indian movie this full of life, realism, Read more...
Flawed masterpiece....
Reviewed Agnivarsha
Well, writing a review after such a long time after the release probably does not make sense. But here is my rant anyways, for what its worth. There isRead more...
A drawn-out and unfaithful copy of a classic
Reviewed Pinjara - Marathi
At a certain point in the past, Pinjara was my all-time favorite. I still listen and sing the Kashi Nashibana thatta ... song. My wifeRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on kakunuriramu's review
Please follow following link (from the leptospirosis institute no less) or type 'Coke Leptospira' into Google for the truth of this urban legend http://www.leptospirosis.org/news/soda-cans.php After belgium and Spain , the email now includes Delhi !!
What is the incident that you are talking about ? Can you point it out anywhere ... any link, any actual news item, dates where it was reported etc. Also what is this recent Spanish study that you are talking about .... you have not pointed out which institute did this and where this study was publi Read More...
Commented on own review
Thanks patenik2, for taking the time to read the review. I was not so sure myself when I began writing it, whether I will be able to express the heights of emotion and violence that this movie climbs. The review is just the best effort that I came up with. The movie is like a work of art actual Read More...
Commented on abhinav17's review
True ... I cringed when I saw the Letterman show. Aishwarya totally did not know how to respond. When Letterman questioned her in a lighter vein, she became combative. When he joked, she stared at him non-plussed. I think the basic problem is that she has been mollycoddled by the kiss-ass journa Read More...
Commented on columbus's review
Admit that your language was a bit of a put off, but then I have stronger words for Jeetendra's daughter who produces some of the worst television shows in the world. She is one undeserving b!@#h and so is Uday Chopra (no metaphor, the guy is a b!@#h). I have watched but one movie starring this d Read More...
Commented on superdoc's review
That was a great review. Obviously, Manjrekar has sold his soul to the devil. I shake my head in disbelief at the crap that this guy makes these days. Hard to imagine that this guy made a gritty drama like 'vastav'. But then, that is his only good movie, that I know of ..... and it may well have Read More...
Thanks yawl for the kind words about the review. I am sure you will be disappointed when you actually meet me :)) I do agree with matwalaboy that there is a hint of condescension (just a hint, mind you) in the way good crossover cinemas are made. I am not even talking about crap like 'City Of Joy Read More...
Rated on bluerain's review
Again , I beg to differ. Repeat, no version of of a movie 'The Blue Angel' exists before 1930 (except in book form). The official German version of the movie was released in 1930 with the express permission of the author of the book and was the 'Der Blau Engel'. For a complete Timeline of the movie, Read More...
I don't believe so . There is no original of 'The Blue Angel'. It IS the original. Like every decent movie made in the last 100 years, it is based on a book 'Professor Unrat' by Heinrich Mann. The German version of it was made SIMULTANEOUSLY as the English version was made in 1930 since the primary Read More...
Rajesh Rajesh (@RevMaxMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 6
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Swapnil Shinde (@Lodha_GroupMouthShut Verified Member)
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Shiny Date (@indeedshinyMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 35
Sunny Bansal (@VIJAY_SALESMouthShut Verified Member)
TalentSprint Private Limited (@TalentSprintMouthShut Verified Member)
Vasu_Aggarwal (@Vasu_AggarwalMouthShut Verified Member)
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Savita Chauhan (@savitachauhan11MouthShut Verified Member)
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Dharmendra (@love1986MouthShut Verified Member)
Ranjan Kaul (@caranjankaulMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 4
Heart Broker (@03214594697mrMouthShut Verified Member)
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Varsha Ashish Gurav (@varshapusalkarMouthShut Verified Member)
Vishal Bhat (@bhatvishal100MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 3
chelsie (@Gajra_Hans228MouthShut Verified Member)
Siba Prasad Nath (@sibaprasadnath65MouthShut Verified Member)
Riyaz Alam (@mdriyazalamMouthShut Verified Member)
Rajkumar Sunka (@rajkumarsunkaa88MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 2
ankit sharma (@ankitjaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Devi Mounika (@mounikadevi765MouthShut Verified Member)
anoop578 (@anoop578MouthShut Verified Member)
Pushpanjali Banerji (@AstroJudgeMouthShut Verified Member)
Shriya rastogi (@shriyajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)