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Member Since:Dec 06, 2006
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Reviewed Tata Indica V2 Xeta
Why Should I require a new ID to post two reviews on one topic ??????? (Anyway Review is more of concern not name - Atul) Recently we purchased our First carRead more...
A Small Town Tale with Big Laughs
Reviewed Dupahiya
When I settled down to watch Dupahiya, the new Amazon Prime release, I was brimming with excitement and anticipation. Ever since the trailer release, everyoneRead more...
Commented on atulsoni's review
Correct Tanv Resale of xeta might be zero but who want sale this car, Actually You are paying premium for resale value when you buy a maruti product. maruti cars are costlier to 60000-70000 and the same is given back to yuo as resale. Now you decide At the same time, no product is trouble fre Read More...
Commented on r_kantsharma's review
Funding in land is better option, becoz appreciating values only indicative, peoples perfer to get new flat rather than older one, value appreciates for location (in case of flat also) but if new options are saurplus than people may not look for old one. I have a house, Appreciated double but the Read More...
Rated on r_kantsharma's review
Followed adityas2000
Rated on Critic06's review
Rated on jssingh's review
Rated on d262av's review
Rated on bluffmaster's review
Commented on deletedprofile's review
So again you want a 'series' and my time. OK!! So from where you checked swift / from dashboard or from back tray. (you have to take back seat to check it) Are flair and Swift from same segment? Let other people decide. 'Ab baat MERI indica ki' (Many times I told you that I am not a sales pet a Read More...
Rated on deletedprofile's review
efficiency of the car was 10 in cities and 15-16 on highways(however it wont be less than that). How much you drive this car to conclude mileage part... For 500000/- you suggest flair (An almost discontinued car) For 550000/- you suggest swift Zxi (crampy B segment car) you should earn t Read More...
So based on my comments you have changed your interests part, (GOOD) This way you can differentiate your personal and public things But Please refer my comments while changing otherwise other reader may not get clear picture about your keep-on changing views and reviews You had deleted mile Read More...
When You put matter in public profile then they are not personal they become public. U only had made 'about you' profile or pasted from somewhere?!!?. and now you are putting your father's shield/post to defend yourself (may I know Who asked your father's designation???? but you put that nicely!! Read More...
Your Review ?? My point : I can read any brochure on net. (You must not write something you don't own) I'll quit this website !! Had you got any invitation (But this is not my personal site, it is a community of well informed person who share their experiance among them) I am sorry for saying w Read More...
Aditya is quite correct, Maruti has given you free test ride (Drive, I don't feel so) and some pamphlets, based on them you are wirting all of your reviews and want to be a starwriter. Now modify again your review and put my name also there claiming that I AM DISCOURAGING YOU. Becoz I am doing so. Read More...
Hi CS Which car do you Own! (I suppose no-one still you rightfully write on them!!) Let me a little harsh, Sorry; But you had made 6 reviews, all are on cars (seems you are die heart fan of wheels) but you don’t have basic information of Automobile also. Why??? Just have a look You made two r Read More...
Commented on own review
I don't doubt the truth of your information... All i'm trying to say is that run it in and then comment... Cause the info given is given by every other Xeta user... The facts in your reviews are true I agree... Regards, Adi...
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