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Member Since:Apr 01, 2008
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Unfriendly nature of banks
Reviewed State Bank Of India
The banks be it nationalized or private banks in a bid to get more customers have forgotten about their existing customers. Forget about nationalized banks whRead more...
All about ULIPs
Reviewed Tips on Unit Linked Insurance Plans
ULIP(Unit Linked Insurance Plan) is one of the forms of insurance plans. If we go category wise then term plan providing purely risk coverage is the right optRead more...
Useful website for managing your finances
Reviewed MoneyControl
Moneycontrol.com a useful website designed to manage your money online and keeping a track of all your investments into mutual funds and managing your portfolRead more...
Ultimate Stable & Comfort Bike
Reviewed Hero Honda Glamour
A 125 cc bike with stylish looks, strong body. I bought this bike since the day it came into the market in my city. I have been driving it from last 2-3 yearsRead more...
Care for your face with Pears
Reviewed Pears Face Wash
Pears Face Wash a complete soap free face wash is a product must buy with people having normal to oily skin and pimple breakouts. A must buy product for sensiRead more...
Useful for oily/pimple prone skin
Reviewed Clean & Clear Cream Wash
Clean & Clear face wash being a brand targetted at oily/pimple prone skin people is really a product worth buying. I have been using this product since a verRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Rated on drmims's review
Rated on tear_xyz's review
Commented on moneyforinvestment's review
I truly agree with you people that insurance and investment should not be combined together and there are lot of hidden expenses and charges which a person might not be able to understand or know. But with competition building up in the insurance industry a no. of plans have come up which might be b Read More...
Commented on pankajshirke's review
Very useful and informative review. for the pros part i would say that you can insure your life by investing into endowment or term plan so as to benefit your family (atleast one insurance policy with adequate coverage must be there). other investment options given are also good and one can think of Read More...
Rated on pankajshirke's review
Rated on moongirl85's review
Rated on samara's review
Rated on Mortal's review
Rated on mannankk's review
Commented on rajjappan's review
Hi, I also have been driving the bike since 2-3 years and never found this type of problem or negative feature in the bike.
Rated on rajjappan's review
Commented on xpressions's review
hi, really a good review worth reading. seems like a true hero honda glamour lover like me. I also love driving hero honda glamour.
Rated on xpressions's review
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