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Member Since:Jan 17, 2008
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RMP Another Angle?
Reviewed RMP Infotec BIZ
My relative introduced me RMP. A senior RMP member (SRM) and my relative met me. The points SRM told me are 1) It is using binary method 2) I have to buy a Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on satatmp's review
Followed satatmp
Commented on satatmp's review
Dear Sathish, Thanks for the review . My friend asked me to join this. Normally I will check in MouthShut for any review and then only i will go into that. Especially in business opptunity. Dont bother about HL User. He/she didnt dare to show his/her name. But He is asking for your ID :- Read More...
Rated on SHAKUNBANSAL's review
Commented on SHAKUNBANSAL's review
Hi, Instead of shouting like this (Capital letters are consdered as you are shouting), why dont you read my post (RMP Another Angle) and asnwer my qustion brother. If you give me a convincing answer i can join you praising RMP :-) Cheers, Raj Kumar
Commented on own review
Dear Hushhang & Jannud, Hmm You guys so busy in selling things and not answering a valuable question related your product or your company. I didn’t call you because the truth will not come to light until unless you are saying it in this website where everybody is having access. If you still didn’ Read More...
Commented on obama's review
Dear OBAMA, You are 100% right. The guys who commented on your article are repeating the same slogans. Like RMP is good, legal and we are getting more money, etc. But they cant answer a specific question in my latest Review>. Only thing you missed is You didnt tell specifically how RMP is not goo Read More...
Rated on obama's review
Dear Hushhang & jannud, Hmm You are so busy. But I will not leave my questiosn unanswered. You used this website to tell that RMP is good. So you have to clear the doubts also. Otherwies everybody reading this post will definitely think that RMP is a fraud. If you dont want to reply to me, no Read More...
Dear Hushhang & jannud, I posted my stements ( Or assumptions as you said) in this website to get proper explanation from RMPians. But i am NOT getting any explanation instead again i am getting 'RMP is the best' slogans or 'You Dont know anything' type of discouraging remarks. Please exp Read More...
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