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Member Since:Apr 29, 2009
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JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on LIVELYF's review
Commented on LIVELYF's review
dear if you have taken admission then i am sorry, you have been trapped, soon you will come to know what mistake you have done, i promise you one day u will be writting same negative comments about the college, i am passout student and i have top the college with highest grade but then also, this f* Read More...
Rated on bfaculty's review
Commented on bfaculty's review
at last BMA has to take support from his faculty and well wishers to take side of this college and spread some positive word of mouth but my senior friend, any organization is known by the positive word of mouth from his customers not from it own side, i hope u understand what i meant to say and fro Read More...
Commented on bma7's review
and also marketing taught us to have satisfied customers but its really shame that not a single customer of u is satisfied all r against u. give me ur wife i will fuc*k her as*s.
hey co*ck suc*ker, as*s lick*er irevash, dont try to hide the truth, ur placements team lie about the package and post, till the student attend the interview nothing made clear to him and even the job for which they are sending are worse of all, everytime it come out to be walkin and ur placement te Read More...
hey moth*er fuc*ker irevash, i have achieved so much through out my academics that not a single student from your college can achieved, till now i m best placed that not a single student from your college can reach, so sis*ter fuc*ker dont take side of red light area ie BMA nothing more than that.
irevash teri maa ko cho*dhe dus baar , dont bother aboutme, throught life i was topper and even i have arranged a good job for me, teri behe*n ya bi*wi ko bhej de ek raat keliye aisa cho*dhuga ki teri gaan*d fut jayegi. samjha chi*naar ki auladh, u dic*khead
hey prosti*t*tute bindu and son of bit*ch irevash, you are talking about poor english then I think when this college takes students even who are not capable of speaking of english then what is criteria, I think only criteria is whether they can pay your huge fees or not because u are concerned only Read More...
Followed bma7
Rated on bma7's review
bindu who the hell are you to comment on any one potential if they are so weak then why the hell bma has taken them and if they have taken students like these it means college is also poor and even after taking the students, college cant improove their simple eng how will it make managers, so madar* Read More...
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