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Member Since:Apr 22, 2009
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Reviewed Bangalore Management Academy-Bangalore
You know cyanide is A deadly poison.bma is just like that.no one can escape alive from its bite.100% u will regret only.they marketed it so well that they reaRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Lord-Rony's review
iravesh is too much frustrated, he didn't get this month salary, because BMA's marketing (brokers) team couldn't achieve their targets. they couldn't get even 1/4th of the students in compare with last year. thanks to mouthshut for providing us this forum.
Commented on bma_is_fraud's review
u know Iravesh, plz send ur sister for teaching me..... u r just a broker.!!
Mr Iravesh /agent/broker of bma did u get this month salary?? what about incentives? i think you could't achieve your target!!! all the best for coming batches, i think 25-30 more batches will be started by next few months!! isn't it. j winnie is ur colleague? i think along with bma, she is Read More...
unless & until brokers/evils/devils like Iravesh are Alive it's my duty to save others. your frustrations is very clear Mr Broker of bma!!! now you are laughing at us. because you have already sucked our blood. some fools who all have joined this year will suffer more than us. then u will laug Read More...
Iravesh broker.. so how is ur business this month?? how many more batches this week?? i think BMA wants to make a world record for churning out maximum number of mba batches in one year!!! group of shameless people!!! after spoiling so many lives also they are still alive on this earth!!
Lord Rony, accept this truth that BMA has ruined our lives. accept this fact that, ur every word of advertisement & promotion is adding on our pain. we don't want any other innocent to suffer. doing mba from any University is much safer and economical. in any recognized college, at least the Read More...
Commented on angelheart's review
Mr. Byfaculty.. Broker of BMA, unfortunately no one is well wisher of bma. because out of 20 mba batches (in various names) hardly you have done justice with anyone. how shameless you are.. instead of improving the college you are blaming student's capability. the main reason of BMA'S failure Read More...
Commented on Sujith133's review
ann6.... i think the money you are getting for doing Marketing work for bma is not enough. because nowadays nobody is coming to bma... i know this. i have one advice for u and all others like you working for bma marketing team. so victor and Ann6... better to start full time job as bar girl, DJ o Read More...
hello Mr faculty.. i will tell here how easy is to pass out from bma. one guy was offered Distinction in all subjects if he can bring 4-5 students. this type of cheap practice can happen only in BMA. Brokers of bma are saying only about language/ quality of English. because you Brokers hav Read More...
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Followed angelheart , shashikarnal , Sujith133 , bma_is_fraud
some agents of bma like Aarcha, Rockon.. they don't even know abot bma. they are just faithful dogs hired by bma. if anyone reads the review, it's very clear that 'we were aware about the AICTE thing. but we never expected those unethical things which are happening there. for churning out more Read More...
Rated on shashikarnal's review
Lord rony... technically i can see that you have already lost your one side teeth, in the lower jaw... why you are increasing our anger. you are laughing at the victims..!!! very soon media people will come to the hell called bma, and you all people will be go to jail in 420 charge.
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Commented on rthakur_29feb's review
Mr Victor.. according to you 'who is miserable in his studies' have not got any jobs in BMA... but the fact is different, you and other AGENTS of bma are speaking the same language which your colorful prospectus speaks. for the information of student community, i want to say that, there were Read More...
Commented on own review
rsmile.... i think you have only one job. to do agent work for bma... but no one is coming in this hell anymore. some fools may come, but they will regret.
Followed pradeep.sh85
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AyÅŸe Kuzucu (@aysekuzucu74MouthShut Verified Member)
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