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Member Since:Sep 16, 2009
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We r Creditors or Investors?
Reviewed City Limouzines
I been reading all the blogs over more than a week now. I am one of the victims of City Limouzine. I dont know whether the word "Creditors sounds Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Faizal Bhai Thanks of the clarification Thanks of the clarification Thanks of the clarification Thanks of the clarification Thanks of the clarification Thanks of the clarification Thanks of the clarification
Commented on Sham123608's review
EID MUBARAK Masood Bhai, I heard from one my mislim frind that name 'Sayeed' has got very much respect in muslim community especially for their Loyalty, Honesty and Genuinity. I am now confirmed abut your crediability wid ur positive messege. I hope you will soon publish the notice in news Read More...
Friends, Please post your veiws/ comment on above issue. Please post your veiws/ comment on above issue. Please post your veiws/ comment on above issue. Please post your veiws/ comment on above issue. Please post your veiws/ comment on above issue. Please post your veiws/ comment on a Read More...
Commented on urooj786's review
Kupidforte :WHO R u? Please provide ur email addres Please provide ur email addres Please provide ur email addres
Commented on Sonu1981's review
Sonu, Yes you are right we should keep calm till 7th Oct. We shuld have petience. Does any body has any update on Sigma Autolink fraud case? Plz provide update.
Commented on udit31's review
Dear investors, Please check the below link for. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JWRnC0xHtU Thank God at least one news channel spaires their 5 minitues to show this news. Raj
Commented on bnicks24's review
Commented on saikumardxb1972's review
City Limouzine news in India TV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JWRnC0xHtU
Rated on ml.anto341's review
Commented on ml.anto341's review
Can u please provide proper link? I m not grtting any thing
Commented on floridarocks's review
Thanks a lot for these good news. It means Mr. Mansood is in the news flash in US also.
Commented on rira99's review
This is all bakwas.don't read this commet and dont post such kind of comment.
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