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Member Since:Jun 04, 2012
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Beware of qnet fraud
Reviewed Quest
Let us learn from qnet bosses, they are very smart than us. Only if they applied it to some genuine business. QNet operandi: If you want to run a scam and sRead more...
GoldQuest, QuestNet under new name? QI Group
Reviewed General Tips on Pyramid Schemes
QI Group has done it again. This time India and Bangladesh are the targets. Here is the my experience when I was introduced, probably you can relate. - StoRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
marketing skill ? Market what ? There are no genuine products with qnet. They focus only on acquiring other IR(downline) and NOT market products. That is the reason they kept silly products like BioDisk and pendants. They also claim they are into Education, but it's non-operative. Even theoreti Read More...
Suppose you are in business of stealing money. Now ask all the arguments in favor of qnet. 1) Does this business required Hardwork ? YES. 2) Does it pay if you work hard. YES. 3) Should you do this business ? NO. Simply put, you can't say that 'you fail since you did not work hard'. In Qnet Read More...
Commented on homebuyer1's review
Yes, qnet, questnet, goldquest, futurequest, vihaan all are same company. No, There are no competitors, given they sell fake products like BioDisk ! To read how qnet IR steal money from a prospect in very professional manner: http://www.mouthshut.com/review/General-Advice-on-Pyramid-Schemes-revi Read More...
Rated on homebuyer1's review
Commented on jimmy4frd's review
Somebody asked: Do they rob you by tying you on a chair ? Well, almost. They call you to CCD, show you dreams of exponential growth, take (steal) your money. More.. they ask you to drag your mom, dad, brother, neighbor, friends and steal their money too. somebody talked about 'hardwork earns mo Read More...
Rated on jimmy4frd's review
Commented on rahulmehra01's review
futurequest, qnet, questnet, vihaan Company keep changing it's names. Here is the typical qnet experience: http://www.mouthshut.com/review/General-Advice-on-Pyramid-Schemes-review-nsmrtpnqlr
Commented on monilbharmat's review
Tactics of Qnet, QuestNet, Vihaan busted. http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Quest-net-review-pspqtrsror
Rated on ashutosh28438643's review
Commented on ashutosh28438643's review
12) Raise some concerns and be overwhelmed with arguments: Think WHY not HOW. Detail is just numbers. Dont think about financials, just trust the Rock Star standing besides you, your friend ! You could look the confidence in your friend's eyes, who until now religiously following his gurus. You Read More...
7) It's already 2 hrs. You become impatient. Now they tell you power of duplicacy. Einstein suggested this power would change the world. Bill Gates in his book(Whose name they will forget), mentioned that, if he would not have created Microsoft, he would be in duplicacy business. 8) You may invest Read More...
Here is a typical story at CCD Square, nr. UB City, Bangalore 1) Some of your friend would introduce you to an 'amazing' business opportunity. No mention of 'how'. Only words like 'Hardwork', 'Seriousness', 'commitment'. When you ask more he would tell you, the seniors will discuss with you. Read More...
Rated on pawansoodin's review
Let us learn from qnet bosses, they are very smart than us. Only if they applied it to some genuine business. QNet operandi: If you want to run a scam and still want people to trust you, what will you do ? This is what qnet did.. 1) Do a little charity and showcase a huge one. Create concepts l Read More...
Commented on pawansoodin's review
Let us learn from qnet bosses, they are very smart than us pawansoodin. Only if they applied it to some genuine business. QNet operandi: If you want to run a scam and still want people to trust you, what will you do ? This is what qnet did.. 1) Do a little charity and showcase a huge one. Creat Read More...
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