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Member Since:May 16, 2011
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It's a SCAM
Reviewed Quest
These guys will call you in and say that you are going to attend a training/orientation where they will try to brain wash you about how it is great company anRead more...
How to ruin your wedding at Sai Palace, Nasik
Reviewed Hotel Sai Palace - Nashik
I had my wedding scheduled on 6th May 2011 at Nasik. Based on reviews and contacts of my in-laws we chose Hotel Sai Palace and visited it in January 2011 and Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
@ Tarun_R: below are some sensible replies to ur idiotic thoughts.Please try answering questions I asked in my review 1: ICAI - It's an examination, not a sales ground.They define passing percentage and if u score it, u pass, else u don't 2: CAT - Believe me u don't even have acumen to fill fo Read More...
@ Tarun_R: 1: Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) - It's an examination, not a sales ground. They define the passing percentage and if you score the same, you pass, else you don't. Seems you don't even have 2% brain to understand the obvious logic. 2: CAT - Believe me you don't Read More...
Rated on rakeshgoyal2019's review
Nikunj Khatri: did sponsoring cricket matches make speak asia legal? And for once can anyone among u campaigners name one competitor or questnet?
Rated on ashutosh28438643's review
Fail to understand two things: 1. Why are you not supporting any of your claims by proofs... Just random thoughts without any backings. All the claims of Qnet being a Scam are supported by relevant proofs and authorities accepting them, any claims against it being a scam are just views of people Read More...
Lovely, I am not going by any news or report, this is my own analysis and understanding telling me that this is a ponzi scheme. Wikipedia, moneylife.in, etc. Are just substantiating it. Also as you say that they don't force anyone, I beg to differ. Please check the YouTube link I have pasted in m Read More...
Commented on homebuyer1's review
Besides, you all claim that these are just rumors spread by the 'Jealous Competitors' can you even name a few?? The fact is that no one but no one in this entire world making/selling products as worthless as you guys... There are no competitors... all the scam claims are TRUE!!!!
Idiot Qnet followers… answer these questions 1. Did you really need the products such as a Bio Disc or a Swiss watch when you went to this place? 2. How many of your customers (or down-liners) have ever approached you for a second purchase of the product you sold them in the past? 3. Why is Read More...
Commented on deepaksharma111's review
@Deepak Sharma and Ravi Lulla... I have posted a few questions on my review of this scamster company... will really like to know your thoughts on them...
Commented on melchi's review
Let me tell you about another business offer: You invest 30,000 and become a member. The next time you add a member we will give you 1,500 for it. And every time a member you brought in gets a member again you get 1,500 from it. This will continue till 5 levels of members. Effectively once you ha Read More...
Rated on Bharadwaj11's review
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