I just have the following email that I sent to India Plaza as my review:
Id like to express disappointment with my experience at IndiaPlaza. Even though the www is abuzz with IndiaPlazas deteriorating quality of service, I remained loyal since Im one of the early adopters of e-retail in India, made my first online purchase with fabmall in year 2000. Having faith in fabmall I continued to be loyal to IndiaPlaza until the bitter experience in May 12.
I ordered a book to be delivered at my parents-in-laws place a gift and paid through my regular online credit card method. When I checked with my mother-in-law to confirm the delivery, I was shocked to hear that the courier person had demanded Rs 175/- for the book. My mother-in-law, not realizing that its a gift, promptly gave the money. In todays inflation ridden economy 175 rupees is too small to sweat on and my mother-in-law is too old to take note whether the receipt given to her is a COD receipt or a normal courier delivery receipt. I followed up with your customer care on this and to my disappointment my ticket (PH0605120012) was closed without any resolution, citing that I do not have proof of payment to the courier person. While I agree that I do not have a documented proof, but I have my mother-in-laws testimony. Im not sure if the court of law with uphold her testimony, but if you ask any common man jury Im sure you know whose side the judgement would go.
Im really surprized why India Plaza cant see through this simple and straightforward case. There is no reason for my mother in law to lie about this, especially such a small amount.
I know IndiaPlaza is sure that I will not go to the court of law for such petty amount, but what I AM sure about is that I will never buy from IndiaPlaza ever again. The reason for taking out time (which is worth more than the amount in consideration) to write this email is that I really feel bad for a company going down this path, a company who was the pioneer of e-retailing in India and a company I had great respect for. I still have and cherish the audio tape cassettes I bought at fabmall.com even though I cant play them any longer..