I have been using Standard Chartered Credit card since 2001 in Bangalore. Things went smoothly. I did a lot of purchases, probably a few lakhs worth of items till 2004 July. I had to go to USA in August 2004. Since I was in a hurry, I asked my father to pay Rs 5000 something outstanding on my credit card. My father forgot to pay it. It had been just one month of non payment. Some dirty bitch (I guess she worked for some ditry organisation that was subcontracted the retreival of pending amounts) was continuosly calling my house and abused my sister asking where I was. When my sister said I had gone to USA, that bitch just banged the phone. It had just been a single month. Considering the fact that I had shopped for several lakhs of rupeees, they should have been a bit more polite for getting the 5000 bucks. It was not that I was not goin to pay them. My credit history with them reflects it. And my father paid it promptly too later. I was so angry that I decided to cancel the card. It was tough for me to cancel the card. Each time I asked them to cancel the card they would tell some bullshit story. Last I called my buddy in India to fix this issue. He is too good at "fixing issues". A single call from him made the bastards cancel the card. These bastards have double standards. The behave in a different way in US and Europe and treat Indian customers like dogs. So from then on when I get a standard charterd agent asking me to take a card, I say - "Even If You sleep with me for a night, I am not going to take the card". I prefer using my other credit cards or even better my ICICI debit card. I guess Supreme Court has now passed a law saying not to harass customers for non payment. I read recently in a newspaper where a Consumer Court directed a major bank to pay some guy a huge amount for harassing him. The bank had apparenty send goons and made him step out of his two wheeler with his wife in the middle of road cos he missed to pay an EMI. God Bless India!!!!