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Member Since:May 31, 2006
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Beware of Aquaguard Sales Mafia
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Aquaguard Total Enhance Water Purifier
Since we were not happy with the timely delivery of mineral water 20 litre can, we thought to invest in RO system. So naturally the choices came down to Kent,Read more...
Owners envy Neighbours Pride - Run away from Onid
Reviewed Onida 29 Oxygen Thunder
This review highlights the pathetic customer service by Onida. If you are interested in knowing the performance of the tv and other details, sorry - this is nRead more...
Yercaud Trip - Stay at Hotel Grand Palace
Reviewed Grand Palace - Salem
I had gone to Yercaud on May 1st 2009 for our first wedding anniversary. We drove from Bangalore to Yercaud on May 1st. It took about 4 hrs by car and we reacRead more...
Kodai international - not worth the money
Reviewed Kodai International hotel - Dindigul
I went to Kodai with my wife in May for our honeymoon. After a lot of search we narrowed down on 2 hotelThe first one was Carlton - it was a bit expensive (aRead more...
Sbi card - agents should have more common sense
Reviewed SBI Visa Credit Card
This is my second review. The first one was about Standard Chartered Bank which was almost 4 years back. That time I had written that Supreme Court and RBIRead more...
Standard Chartered Credit Card
Reviewed Standard Chartered Bank
I have been using Standard Chartered Credit card since 2001 in Bangalore. Things went smoothly. I did a lot of purchases, probably a few lakhs worth of items Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Still not resolved after one month. The issue still remains. Shame on you Eureka Forbes!!
Rated on rukksmani's review
Commented on rukksmani's review
paid review by builder
Rated on rathan2500's review
Commented on rathan2500's review
looks like self promoted review
The complaint number is 88366840. Basically, as promised I want to get a 1000 Rs off on my old uv system, the sales person needs to come and check the water quality as promised and also I need to recieve the invoice bill amount. Also i need to get an apology from the salesman for cheating and tellin Read More...
Commented on sh_mo's review
Good review. Yes, their sales force is absolutely pathetic and most of them are hooligans
Commented on ms_commentator's review
Guys read in some of the newspapers that Adarsh is encroaching 19 acres of devarabeesanahalli lake tank bed. Be careful, else they might demolish ur property any time. http://www.hindu.com/2011/03/17/stories/2011031765200600.htm http://www.deccanherald.com/content/149151/land-sharks-prey-lakes.h Read More...
Commented on sraja29's review
Good review there!! Truly exposes some of the cheap practices followed by dirty resort owners to fool the innocent public
Rated on sraja29's review
thanks for the comment derebail2008. I thought that I would get rooms due to recession at a nominal price. but, it was near impossible to get a room. It is the long weekend and also holiday time. I checked in 4 other hotels, but they were full. Even i grand palace i tried for the normal rooms, but t Read More...
Commented on SR07's review
they are charging me 13.5% for house construction and 14% for land. I guess this is the highest charged by any bank in Inida. I started on a flotaing basis with 7%. These idiots are the first to raise when rbi raises it rates. However the reverse is not true.
Rated on nverma's review
Rated on netway's review
Rated on akshatjain's review
Commented on akshatjain's review
Looks like you are the owner of the hotel or someone in the hotel paid you to write this review. Also, 'I stayed at the property for about 15 days straight, and i neva came across a guest complaining, be it the food, the service or anything.' - Why would a guest come to you complaining. ARe Read More...
Commented on copperman's review
Waynad hotels are not worth spending the money on. I too had to check into haritagiri. They were charging close to 2k for a night. The towel for taking bath was torn, the bedsheets were shabby, morning breakfast was horrible and the bathroom was horrible. When people take such money, a bit more stan Read More...
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