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Member Since:Sep 03, 2011
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Finally satisfied
Reviewed India Plaza
I had bought SONY HX100V CAMERA but I received another product, so I called them many times it cost me almost Rs150 totally, but still the problem is not resoRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on rupeshghat's review
Yes, I am satisfied with the service of Indiaplaza.
Rated on rupeshghate's review
Rated on ghater's review
Commented on own review
I am waiting desperately for 12-Sep-2011 for my product and your call for this product.
Well I received an email from indiaplaza.com stating that return the product at our office and said that they will return my complete money and told that they will give me written confirmation stating the receipt of the product and about refund. First email was not delivered due to some technical Read More...
Well I received an email from indiaplaza.com stating that return the product at our office and said that they will return my complete money and told that they will give me written confirmation stating the receipt of the product and about refund. First email was not delivered due to some technical i Read More...
Rated on rupeshghat's review
Indiaplaza told me that they will send me an email but again the same thing no email, no reply, no response to ticket number. Again false promise they made as they have been doing from the beginning. So could not trust on them with the new promise that if I go to their office and return this prod Read More...
Dear Sir, My email id is rupesh.ghate@gmail.com. I checked my email but did not receive any email yet. Kindly recheck and send email to my correct email id. Regards, Rupesh
Commented on cos_sec's review
I had bought SONY HX100V Camera, but received another product that was handycam, i have not opened the pack yet. don know what to do.
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