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Member Since:May 01, 2008
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Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on vishalsengupta's review
Despite the writer feeling so much satisfied I doubt the genuineness of the statments. It is hard to find a fully satisified customer though mfrustated customers are aplenty with club mahindra. Mostly it has to do with wrong selling, subterfuge on part of sales force and hidden costs which leads to Read More...
Commented on hero123's review
Jovi and emardy seem to be on Club's employee list! Imagine after charging so heavily from member's they can't even buy a vehicle to provide complimentary pickup and drop service! If they are not providing food, pick up and drop service and activities free of cost why is membership rate so high and Read More...
Commented on Manoj_chichula's review
I wish IBM introduces test of English language in its recruitment process !
Commented on own review
I know that already, Zorro 64, but don't worry I have taught some good lessons to such organisations in the past like airtel. I am not a fool to fall in to their gimmickry and buy the plan but will make sure that I discourage as many people as I can from doing so too!
Commented on nitinsareen's review
Dear Nitin, My experience is entirely similar to you. Though their offer seemed too good to be true and I was inclined to take up something in me held me back and I said let me see your facilities first and then decide. I was called to receive a so called Free gift certifcate for 2 N 3 D holida Read More...
Commented on BraveHeart's review
I agree with Navin that it is their management's policy to tell half truths and sometimes blatant lies, after all, once a customer has paid money, indian judicial system being what it is, most people will give up after trying for a few weeks and they can happily keep the money. If a customer decides Read More...
Commented on rajnishkapur's review
I feel sorry for you that you decided to join these cheats. I was called by them too with the inducement of me winning a 2 N 3 Day figt certificate and bombarded with same sales pitch. They offer more and more freebies so that customer signs on the dotted line. All through the session they will insi Read More...
Rated on rajnishkapur's review
Rated on enidhi's review
Commented on ClubMahindra's response
club mahindra is cheating people Mahindra Mahindra has come up with a wonderful idea to cheat money out of people...i.e. club mahindra. They are highly overpriced oversold and facts are misrepresentated to customers till he parts with his hard earned money...after that it is miserable experience as Read More...
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