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Member Since:Aug 27, 2007
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Amazing Car, Absolutely Horrible dealerships.....
Reviewed Ford Fusion
Here comes my story.hope it doesnt change your mind on buying a Ford though unless you arent too deterrent. It goes like this.We bought a Ford Fusion in JanuRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on shreysr's review
Shreyas...This looks like goood stuff,although u have given a very high level description...yet to chek out the link uve mentioned.... In conjunction to SAP SD module ,this is an alltogether new product right!!...And could u temme how the deployment scenario be like...and how far is it gonna make a Read More...
Rated on avipreet's review
Commented on manishc74's review
Perhaps i am jus waitin for a negative review on this chevy adopted HOBBIT cos im kinda impressed with this car to be very honest...ppl are real happy with it....m just wondering if this is gonna be a real gud bu(o)y....But dude how much did it cost u on the road n in which city n wat Read More...
Commented on nikhil_zoom123's review
interesting review buddy....specially the fact that you have chalked out a comparison on da tech specifications.....perhaps may be you should be only cautioned and not get carried away with such kinda news that HONDA is recalling so many UNITS.....Because gentleman,in INDIA its never gonna happen co Read More...
Commented on r3khanna's review
Im sure they change parts under a valid warranty but replacing the car!!....Gentleman, you are in India.Now i dont mean thats its not possible,but its gonna be painful n would only happen through the courts..Perhaps i had a problem with my opel log bak,from regent itself...in the 1st month the engin Read More...
Rated on gunpowder's review
Rated on vjchennai's review
Rated on tangs's review
Commented on gunpowder's review
holy holy,what a scary night....sends jitters through me....m almost shaken by the incident....now that really assures me that the dealerships ACROSS india su**......well quite a similar story happened with me too.so m not really surprised but kinda assured that Ford has dug deep pits in india (i.e. Read More...
Commented on cgurjar's review
perhaps you have jus written the goodie goodie stuff on th care....i had the opposite experience with Inddigo ibot 3-4 yrs bak....it was an ordeal...although i did 20000 kms on it, i know at the end of the day and also at the beginning of it,Indigo diesel is a TRUCK.....no less than TATA 407 tempo Read More...
Commented on enidhi's review
Thats a Good 1 to spread awareness among the masses...i appreciate your work...
Commented on akilasrk's review
Do you think it would make sense if i buy a Flair by the end of this year , keeping in mind other options available..Already hav a Ford fusion in the family n i liked it..i dont wanna go for a small car not even swift unless my budget changes...i plan to burn 5L on a car, wat would you suggest??.... Read More...
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