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Member Since:Nov 15, 2004
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Education: MASTERS
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Avoid Jaya Nagar 5th Block Sony Centre at all cos
Reviewed R L Properties Sony Centre - Bangalore
Since there is no option to provide Zero or Negative rating, I am giving a rating of 1. I was looking to purchase a laptop and visited Sony Centre in Jaya NagRead more...
Stay Away from Woodrust Club.
Reviewed Woodrose Club - Avenue Road - Bangalore
I paid the membership fees in 2003 for woodrose (woodrust) club. when the club became functional in 2006/2007, they circulated bye-laws and I wrote to woodrosRead more...
Products not delivered as per the invoice
Reviewed Devi International - Bangalore
Please stay away from Devi International. I recently purchased a SAMSUNG 3D LED TV Package for Rs. 2 lacs. I was given a good price for Samsung 3D 55" TV PackRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on gsrinirau's review
Did you progress on cancelling your mmbership @ woodrose? Any updates?
Commented on Srinivasa_gopalan's review
Mr. Gopalan, Any updates on your case?
Commented on simmash's review
@Srinilu Did you make any progress on getting your membership fees refunded? We can form a group of like minded people take action against woodrust.
Commented on MKumar1101's review
hello - I am also in the same boat. How about taking some legal advice and initiate legal action against woodrose. If you are interested, please ping me on rpadmana@hotmail.com and we can proceed from there.
Rated on Srinivasa_gopalan's review
Commented on bcosimme's review
I completely agree with this review. I had similar experience with Nandi Toyota recently. Very Pathetic support and sales commitment. Nandi Toyota is spoiling 'Toyota' brand value.
Rated on bcosimme's review
why dont we take joint action against woodrose? Lets cancel woodrose membership and ask for compensation for the damages done by woodrose. if interested, please email me at rpadmana@hotmail.com
Commented on surprizeforyou's review
Vijith - share ur email id. I am also member of woodrose, asking for refund of my membership fees along with interest. Lets see if we can take any action against woodrose jointly. My email is rpadmana@hotmail.com
I am also resident of brigade apartments and paid the membership fee for woodrust club in 2002 and at that time, the millennium complex was under construction and no rules and regulations for the wood rust club was shared with any members . Later on, the club was opened, Brigade opened the club for Read More...
Rated on surprizeforyou's review
Commented on Ashsingla's review
Complete agree with the above review. I was also asked to become a member of this club. I paid the membership fees. Later on the so called woodrose management, came up with single side rules and regulations of this useless club and started looting and taking the members for a ride. I have sent a wri Read More...
Rated on Ashsingla's review
Rated on MKumar1101's review
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