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Never Mind
Member Since:May 11, 2006
0 MS Points
I'm a Rustic. I don't want to tell you my name. I'm scared of you. I think that if you know my name you will create a porn site under it. You know I'm joking, right? Well, I'm not. You're scary. Really. That is why my handle is Rustic. Rustics are xenophobic. They're afraid of strangers. Much like I am. Don't try to message me or make friends with me. You bite. <b>----|||| The Rustic Has Spoken |||| ----</b>. ----|||| Y O U W A N T T O K N O W M E? |||| ---- I don't believe in hobbies. Hobbies are for weak minds. Those who need things to de-focus are too weak and insuffeciently commited to their tasks. Therefore, I need hobbies. But of course, unless your hobby is to collect information about others' hobbies, you wouldn't want to know. Would you?
About Me
Education: is for OBCs only. I'm not one.
Review of the Day (0)
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The Hot Burning Issue Syndrome
Reviewed Tips on Media and Controversy
How do you distinguish between a little child and a mature individual? The first indicator is how that person reacts to changes. A child is invariably impulsiRead more...
--{{ SUBTLE LINES }}--
Reviewed Swades
"I dont like being called poor. Yes, I dont have a stable income. Yes, I am unable to meet the education needs of my children. Sometimes I have toRead more...
Reviewed Rang De Basanti
Being famous, being rich, being important, being lucky... they are all tickets to making social satire without thinking twice. Being Amir Khan is having the Read more...
---||| THIS IS WHY I AM A RUSTIC |||---
Reviewed First Date Experiences
*-| Lovers are never bored together because they only think of themselves|- ============================================================= *It was a blazing Read more...
Reviewed Mallika Sherawat
How much textbook space and dinner-time pep talk have we spent listing the evils of smoking of alcoholsism? College boys and girls haunt beer lounges in the dRead more...
----{{{{ UnDeR RaTeD }}}}----
Reviewed Rating Reviews on MouthShut
Tina Mary Frank was a normal schoolgirl who tied her hair in two plated pony tails with ribbons of matching colors with her blouse at school. One day she wrotRead more...
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Reviewed Commenting on Reviews
“Communication as a process is cyclic. It begins with the sender and, through encoding of the intended information, its transmission and decoding at the recipRead more...
How Diversity Can be Used and Abused
Reviewed India - General
When you travel to countries like France or England, the first thing that strikes you is uniformity. There is a sharp contrast between India and those nationsRead more...
The Future Belongs to Rustics
Reviewed Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Where is the grace of Madhubala and Nargis? Were left with the unsophisticated Sherawat and Chopra. Where is the melody of Rafi or Kishore Kumar? WeRead more...
--- |\/| 0 |_| T 5 |-| |_| T ---
Reviewed Mouthshut
“A man is a man because he can be proud. It doesn’t matter if he is really unique. The inner perception that he is unique and the attitude of foreRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
You said not to tell you. So I won't tell you. But you mustn't wonder. Rustic
nice excuse thanks for coming down to comment hope thats 10 wrds
Followed magicalsummer
But I won't express why. Thank you Sam and Aniz for coming down and rating my review. Life looks like it's never going to be back to 'normal'. Does anybody get reminded of the 1976 emergency? RUSTIC
You have to do a little bit of thinking. What could I be talking about? And whose side of the matter am I on? RUSTIC
Commented on zuludancing's review
I suppose there can be only one original. And something can be called 'original' only if there are four thousand dummies floating around. If everybody came up with something new and something original, we wouldn't f*cking care about it... It's called the diminishing marginal utility of sorts... Read More...
Rated on zuludancing's review
Commented on er_jaisoni's review
my colleague's father knew this 1 week earlier, we wouldn't have had a funeral on the last Sunday...... i'll forward this to all my colleagues whose parents are in the age of high risk..... --|| THE RUSTIC IN CONDOLENCE AND GRATITUDE ||--
Rated on er_jaisoni's review
you didn't mean that the rustic ackowledges praise --|| THE RUSTIC HAS BLUSHED ||--
in the last paragraph i mentioned quite clearly that inhibitions about education are borne out of financial instability. education even at the middle and high school level becomes a liability for those families whose daily income over the year is hardly 30 rupees. try educating your daughter Read More...
rohit: I will write what I want to write. you rate it the way you wish to. We have no argument. I owe you no remedy. Main_Chup: I suppose you can write only one review on the subject. So what you meant by 'my earlier review' skipped my understanding. May be it was the extra tequila speaking. Bewa Read More...
u don't get the point but guess what never expected u to the rustic has spoken
Commented on thakurman's review
u have a problem with what i write then don't come and check me out i didn't invite u, s*cker
Followed amorfati
Commented on jaisharma's review
h o l y c r a p d o e s n o t m a k e a r e v i e w
Followed rohitthebest
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LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
Hasid (@HasidMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 20
Riyaz Ansari (@riyazmo602MouthShut Verified Member)
Madhav Bahadur (@madhavbahadur25MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 2
Murali Ramakrishnareddy (@abhibus1MouthShut Verified Member)