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Member Since:Jun 26, 2011
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Avoid Fairtech Engineering Services at any cost
Reviewed Fairtech Engineering Services Pvt
I have worked in Fairtech Engineering services company for about 6Â Â months. This is my second review on Fairtech on Mouthshut, I hate this company so much thaRead more...
Fairtech Engineering Services is the worst compan
Reviewed Five Worst Employers
I saw many outburst and I just want contribute my bit for the benefit of Stress/FEA/Design engineers especially who are living in Bengaluru. Fairtech was forRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Koodhi_SHiva's review
Commented on Koodhi_SHiva's review
Khoodi Shiva, thanks for sharing about this company here, I daily pray for Sagar & Shiva's death, they are III class people, they are worst people.....please avoid this company at any cost.
Rated on ashwin12's review
Commented on ashwin12's review
Ashwin nice that you have written the review about this fraud co., people will avoid this kind of frauds and live better life.... I still remember Dr.Shivakumar KOODYSAMY, HR incharge was laughing when one of the employee fell down as chair gave way, this guy will laugh if his son is crushed unde Read More...
Rated on hardikchitroda's review
Commented on own review
Death to Kamalakkanavar, who frames employee specific HR process & rules to screw career of engineers. May he be hit by a speeding motorcycle and die a slow death
Rated on sanaln007's review
Commented on sanaln007's review
You know nothing about car, You know nothing about car, You know nothing about car
Commented on Sandhya_haridas's review
First Death Anniversary of Shiva & Sagar will be observed by Fairtech on 06June2012. Their family death anniversary will be observed on 14July2012. All attend and abuse the evil souls who have polluted the hell as well. May the lord clean the hell for the better.
Sagar, soollee magane nayi thara sayi, mane poorthi narakake oogi, friend ge thikka vadithiya ? Solle magane...blodybastard...
Rated on Raxx111's review
The two rabbid dogs, Sagar and Siva should be beaten to death, They should be shot like infected pigs, they should be culled like SARS affected birds.
I wish death to Budti Sagar and his family, Soole magane, naayi thara saayeee, nin family sametha ella narakakke oggi, you blody back-stabber, go to hell I pray god, die soon.
Surya, Please avoid this company at all costs, better be at home, or do some charity work instead of joining this company. The company is pure 420 . ... are few more details, 1. They are not co-operating in transfer of PF money, they are taking lot of time to process request for PF transfer Read More...
Just now I was informed that BUDDI SAGAR is killed in an accident, I don’t know it’s true....but since he fuked his own friend he should not be alive on this earth. I also wish DEATH to his spouse and daughter/& son. They should die and perish. BUDDI BELONGS TO HELL, MAY HIS SOUL REST IN E Read More...
thanks for the i/ps madan, my friend has indeed suffered, he was cheated by his ’own’ friend who is in top management. so he feels extremely hurt, anyways I am sending all the information you have given, since his brother is a judge and his father a lawyer/hr expert, he must be aware of all these la Read More...
madan, thanks for inputs, it's not for me this is for my friend who has suffered a lot , he was intimidated criminally as well by some goons bought in by company....he is taking a final call in few days and may appoint a lawyer to assist him, his dad is a lawyer/HR expert, his brother is also from l Read More...
can sc/st act be applicable to private sector harrasment ?
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