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Member Since:Aug 04, 2004
0 MS Points
Iam a Malaysian and a retired gov't officer.Still active and does a lot of voluntering jobs. Iam interested in Hindi movies as well as hindi dramas and serials.
About Me
Education: high school
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Ruh-oh! No secrets to share.
Worst decision of my life
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PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on sandeepmehta_1's review
Hai Sandeep, I watched this movie a few years back.Its nice to know that you have made very touching comment.I hope there should be more person like to fill this world with love and kindness.Keep it up bro, i surely will read more of your review.Thank you.
Rated on sandeepmehta_1's review
Commented on lavenderpink's review
I dont think i like your review.Its not even a review, its just like blah..blah...I was expecting someone to write something better....
Commented on srinath_34's review
Wow Srinarth 34, your review is superb and fair.Iam using 6230 now and have started to think of changing it to this latest.Thanks
Rated on srinath_34's review
Commented on parveen26's review
Thank you Parveen. I hope Honeyz read your review as she is really in need of knowing the full story.Maybe next if you can on Sanjivani. Thank you again.
Commented on honeyz's review
HAI.. I thought for one moment that you would tell the whole story,but what a pity it seems you are from Malaysitoo.Well we have to wait a while as ASTRO is showing it only twice a week even at very odd hours.Maybe someone from India could help.
Commented on riteshp's review
Wow,I have been reading almost all the Veer Zaara reviews and finally i must thank you for giving the best one so far.Most of the rest write with silent motive but you came down with all sincererity.Keep it up.
Commented on Aviendha's review
From the title alone i don't think i would watch the movie,why should i? But after reading your review i would really regret if not watching it.Thanks.
Rated on Aviendha's review
No doubt about it.Your review surely very true.I have just seen the movie too and could not agree with you more.Well anyway the bull style is usually Hindi movie trade mark but many people like it though.
Commented on prassad_rs's review
I love to read your review,but quite unfortunate that you have not seen the full film yet.Iam very sure you would write again and i will for sure keep myself alert.Love to read when someone writes with sincererity and not with emotions.Thanks.
Thank you to you too.It makes us proud especially you from P.Malaysia taking an interest on Sabah.I'll keep myself alert should you write on Sabah again.Maybe i can assist you.Thank you
Rated on ashford's review
Commented on ashford's review
I want you to know that your review has indeed captured my heart.Being a Sabahan myself you have made me proud.I pray and may Allah give you blessing in your further undertaking.Thank you. Sahat....
Commented on aradhanavarma2002's review
Iam keeping myself alert for your next review.But surely i love watching DMNHC.
Commented on redrose2004's review
I don't think she is confused,far from thinking its based on real life.As a Malaysian myself and had to depend on subtitles to understand its story her views should be appreciated.This is a repeat show by the way and not just begun.Any one know the end of this story..Pls help.
Sorry, you do not have to be confused,I like your review, except the suck part. Well, even agreeing with giving your own opinion it has to be fair.
Rated on aradhanavarma2002's review
Hai,are you a Malaysian?Your review are great,maybe you could try writing your own version and we shall see.Malaysian TV cable channels are not sucks..Ok.
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