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Member Since:Jun 14, 2006
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Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on bobby_njoy's review
and adding to wat samir said, if ur so rich that u keep buying bikes for the heck of it and so much in need of showing ur manhood by way of speed alone, then why buy 150cc dude? buy a bloody R1 or atleast a Comet if that makes u feel more manly. Or then are u just plain dumb..
Rated on rohan_bikes's review
Commented on rohan_bikes's review
I guess the fact that so many Pulsar owners have become so insecure due to the Apache shows how gud the bike really is. The Apache is soo much better than it's competition that the owners of the other bikes resort to such mesures to defame it. BTW, samir ur 'some sink lower' statement was hilarious Read More...
Rated on suunyrana's review
Commented on csrinivaskgf's review
hey srinivas, what do u mean by newer apache’s? Where did u get this info from and how are the newer ones different from the older ones??? It will be great if you can share some details and the source from where you came to know about this...
Commented on suunyrana's review
hey srinivas, what do u mean by newer apache's? Where did u get this info from and how are the newer ones different from the older ones??? It will be great if you can share some details and the source from where you came to know about this...
Followed vjshut
Rated on sibanand_misra2006's review
Rated on vjshut's review
Commented on ranjirabin's review
From that perspective Srinivas, u'll have to tell us where u are from, Bajaj or Hero Honda?? And then u might also want to say that all the biggest automobile magazines from Overdrive to BIKE and all the others who've given great reviews of the Apache have all been bought TVS... Dude, i just feel Read More...
Commented on vtantric's review
I'm guessing the above list of guys u've made have nothing much going on in thier lives, and thier thoroughly bored to the core. I cant think of any other reason why they would spend so much time doing the stupid things they do.
Commented on m_sthosh's review
Wanted to ask u if the pure black and the '70% grey Apaches' that u were talkin about, is it that both of them r the same but jst look different under different light. Or are they altogether different color models?? As far as I thot, the Apache came in only 4 colors - red, silver, blue and greyish b Read More...
i sent u an m2m msg. did u get it??
Commented on akrahim's review
Hey! Enjoy ur new ride and keep us posted on any new developments with regards to ur Apache. And yes, the Apache it is a fantastic bike and I am gonna buy one soon...
Rated on akrahim's review
Followed m_sthosh
Thanks dude for ur great review. I too am gonna buy a black Apache soon, and can really relate to the stuff u've said in ur review. But tell me something, I've seen a slightly off black Apache, and also a perfect jet black Apache on the roads. So are there two variations of the Black color??
Rated on m_sthosh's review
Rated on csrinivaskgf's review
U dont seem to have given the slightest indication of riding the Apache before u have written a review on it, let alone checking wether the fastners on it are original TVS ones or not. So then comes the next biggest question, how do you write a review on something that you have not used/experienced Read More...
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