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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Sep 26, 2010
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Love biking, Innovative and Cool. Biking, Cricket, Blogging etc
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Education: persuing B.E. ECE final year
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Rock Solid ~ 450Kms competed
Reviewed Suzuki GS150R
I am a proud owner of GS150R. I bought this machine from SMK suzuki, Porur, Chennai. It costed 70K including accessories. Was impressed by some reviews and teRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
@Akshay Thanks mann.. ya its a great service center with friendly people around. Nowdays i am seeing lots of GS150R's for service so I guess its selling fast :)
@Aditya Suzuki is not going, its a rumour. The GS150R sales have increased and people realised its value. No wonder iam seeing more GSRs in my city nowadays. Even the mighty Honda unicorn became popular after 2 years, and the same case is with GS150R. The paint quality is excellent. I dint ev Read More...
Commented on jayakarthik2008's review
I bought it on aug 2010. No rusting issues.... Better graphics Its really a great bike I recommend to all( Dont just go for blind TV ads, research before buying)
Awesome bike... Pls read my complete review and comment. completed 1100 kms http://bikeadvice.in/gs150r/
Commented on kingavm's review
View my review here. Completed 1100kms. Its perfect for medium to tall people. Weight is good but takes time to get used. I love the weight. Gives excellent stability. Read my review: http://bikeadvice.in/gs150r/
Rated on adgdeepak's review
Commented on adgdeepak's review
Very nice and breif review. I was planning to buy Wildfire next month but based on your experience I will think again. My requirements: Great Camera Around 15,000 bucks Touch screen Latest model Reliable Service P.S. Iam just a technical college student from Chennai so pls suggest me Read More...
Any other doubts guys? Iam still active?
Commented on sandip_live's review
Go for Gs150R U will get mileage, comfort and looks. Read my review and then decide If long waiting periods and youth looks does not matter go for Unicorn or Dazzler
Hi Rajesh! Its is true that R-R method is not consistent and accurate. Before first two services mileage varies rapidly in all bikes, so check after these services. If you get an average closer to 40-45 before it is great, after 1st service pick up will improve, so will the mileage!
Pls check this out. A comparison between GS150R Vs R15 Vs Fz Vs Pulsar Vs Apache Vs CBZ Exteme This will make you decide to buy a bike http://buybestbike.blogspot.com/2010/09/gs150r-vs-r15-vs-fz-vs-pulsar-vs-apache.html
Guys if you have any doubts regarding performance or selection of bikes, pls ask me :)
@Satya Yeah! Chennai traffic is high especially guindy, kattipara and t.nagar (near my area). Yup I will be careful for sure. Rainy season too so that extra caution near muddy roads is must. Happy biking :D
@Rajesh I already read ur review dude. Its amazing bike, hope suzuki increases marketting side. Happy to own one. First service over yesterday and pick up and high speed feels better than ever :D
Commented on rajesh2676's review
GS150R is amazing bike. Happy to own one :D What colour do you have?
Rated on rajesh2676's review
@Kashif Simple one da. Just have an idea of the features of your vehicle, write it in Ms word or notepad and copy it here. Mention the pros and cons
@Kashif Iam helping people to know about this hidden beauty-GS150R. Due to lack of Ads its not getting the recognition it deserves da I guess in 3 websites i posted this review with little modification.... :P
Thanks mann. I too was misguided to buy common ones as Apaches, Pulsars due to heavy ads. But after hearing and test driving it my mind changed. All bikes have cons but this has only minor cons. So Iam very happy with its choice :) Cheers Mann :)
Thanks dude... Iam so satisfied with my bike so I wanno make sure that others dont miss this by because of lack of advertisement :)
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