Member Since:Dec 11, 2002
2 MS Points
I m a graduate in the commerce stream an event manager & I love entering competitions and winning them, losing is something i hate but i think it kind of helps you to understand your weaknesses and makes you more grown and developed individual at the end. I love making true and decent friends with love for nature,animals,kids and friendship, I m usually a very unusual person, very much fanatic about my health and my family.Music helps me to forget things and swing on its tunes i enjoy ghazals,hindi classics,to english pop depending on my mood, reading heart warming sensitive stories or murder mysteries or classics is my passion.
Meditiation,spirituality,philosophy is what i enjoy deep within. I prefer energee to coke, spending and sparing time for social causes then to partying.Sensitivity is a part of my nature and honesty a strong belief of mine, humanity is my religion and love,smile and happiness the only gift that i can gift to others.
This is me in a compressed format.
. Public speaking,reading,movies,music,dance,loving and being with small cute children,writign poetry,short stories,dining,eating,computers,making true genuine friends,eating choclates,entering competitions and roller skating.