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Member Since:Sep 03, 2009
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No incoming calls when SD Card is being read!
Reviewed Samsung SCH M369
PRODUCT : SAMSUNG CHAT 369, also referred as Mpower txt 369 by internet shopping websites. Promised feature: SD Card upto 16GB Reality: With 16GB Speed 2 MiRead more...
Why Tape players is best for Vehicles in long ter
Reviewed Tips on Choosing a Car Audio
Nowadays almost all cars are installed with CD only audio systems with probably a USB. However, if you are looking to own your car for a long term say 30 plusRead more...
Why the VCR is better than DVD
Reviewed DVD Vs. VCR
Sometime the world progress means getting worse. Technologyexperts say DVD is better than the analog tape. But when it comes to flexibility, featuRead more...
Planet M, Temptations and Music World Stores
Reviewed Planet M - Bangalore
Temptations, PlanetM and Music World are poor examples what a music store can be. They have totally stopped music cassettes. It is true that 90% of buyers wanRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on tihorin's review
If one is open to learning Tamil, Chennai or Tamil Nadu state is not a bad place. Of course language is a problem if you do not know Tamil, but people will still try to help the best they can but no one hates you for your origin unlike in other places like Bangalore, Delhi or Bombay even if one know Read More...
Commented on jsang's review
AZ1856 has one important feature so far only available with local makes like Universal which have inconsistent quality: 'USB to Tape Recording'. With cassettes being banned in Music Reatails shops and music publishers (it is well known that several artists are not very happy with CD only publishing) Read More...
Commented on navin_kamath's review
Tape production stopped? I wish it were true...but see this : Latest Tamil films on tape: VTV, Asal, Goa...most recent release: Rattaichuzhi. Why is tape ’’pre-ordering’’ being done...Telugu film Magadheera started this trend, now every film audio release is doing this.
Commented on own review
Dont know if you read the posts ! Let discuss technical and get some facts straight! Pre-recorded tapes are produced through Spools and Tape decks and duplicators and not through consumer tape recorders. Let me ask you question: Which media do you think has higher freq response : CD or magne Read More...
I bought a DVD-RW from Moserbaer. 50 rupees. Data could not get registered. Second time. DVD-RW is just plane unreliable when it comes to consistant. Yes VCR requires cleaning, not onces in month or after it gets stuck, but minimum once a week. But you you can confidently order a VHS casse Read More...
This comment is normal with Hi-tech buffs but anyways ’’Nice Try’’. Here is the deal, take a tuning fork about 17-18khz or higher, record it on to CD and onto tape, compare the two. Another comparison : listen closely the way drums sound (any percussion, including carnatic music) bet Read More...
..requirement. Regarding service - tape players are more readily servicable by local electronics technicians -components are more easily replacable - tape head, pinch rollers - they can be easily seperated out and replaced by even local repair shops. CD players are more integrated, even the lens Read More...
If the pre-recorded tape is available, I would prefer it first. It is any day better than recording from CD, sound is original than CD recordings. Compared to MP3, FLACs have a more in original sound. FLAC do not do any loss due to compression. So all the bits in the digitized PCM are preserved. Read More...
Contd... A word on response time for Fwd/Rwd/Pause. CD and USB response time for cueing songs is slower than tape particularly for quick button pushings. CDs also tend to drift somewhat during pausing. A word on continuity. An important desired feature of audio books and lectures is to have th Read More...
A word on adapters. There are usually two types of adapters - one is the type sold by Indiatimes or local markets which are non-branded. The spools are not synchronized. Adapters from brands like Sony etc have sychronized spools. They can play in all players including full logic ones. Of course they Read More...
cond... Agreed with your argument that with a digital source, there is no gain in recording to tape. However given that original CD albums being price being 3 to 4 times the cost of equivalent tape album, with sudden stoppage of tape albums, the natural resort is to turn to the web, download torren Read More...
Hello Navin I disagree with you on a few points. Every technology evolves. CD players have evolved. So have tape players. Tapes are more durable than CDs. I have 20 year old tapes - they still play well. It depends how you treat them. Same with CDs. Of course you cant compare TDK with Coney or Read More...
I rate Pioneer KEH-P4025 'full logic' tape player better than 'hi tech' CD players. It allows you to skip to the next/prev song and has auto-reverse and the best part is it is 'full logic' (no mechanical controls). It is completely SKIP FREE. I am told that it is not sold any more in India, because Read More...
Commented on trust_me's review
In terms of longevity, there is surprisingly nothing to beat audio cassette. CD and disc formats have their surface exposed. Which means that scratches accumulate even after a few drops or rubs. CD is really not 100% skip free including the so-called skip free CDs. Both MP3 players and CD players Read More...
Here is a surprising story : http://tech.yahoo.com/blogs/null/142096/audio-cassettes-cannot-be-killed/
Mindgrinder Regarding, piracy, I think DVD failed its intent. With marriage of internet and DVD, we now got the free movie download revolution. Record Scheduling is more flexible on VHS than DVD. HD-DVD store compressed videos. One of effects of this compression is the BOXES. Dont worry ab Read More...
Commented on kalil.rahman's review
To be honest, VCR is a better technology than interactive VCDs and DVDs with regard to quality control. There are so many complaints from customers buying a interactive DVD/VCD, you put it on a computer and it does not work. Many customers may not be aware of numerous DVDs and VCDs sold and you go h Read More...
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