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Member Since:Aug 07, 2017
20 MS Points
Live, love, laugh - that's my motto. Work hard and nothing's impossible.
About Me
Education: BMM (Advertising), MBA (Marketing)
Food and Drinks: Punjabi, Malayalam, Pan AsianBooks: Princess Series by Jean Sasson, The Blue Eyed Boy, The Fifth WitnessMovie Stars: Akshay Kumar, Tom Hardy, Gerard Butler, Jason MomoaMovies: Life is Beautiful, Welcome, Andaz Apna ApnaT.V. Shows: Friends, The Vampire Diaries, Game of Thrones, Greys AnatomyMusic: Bollywood, Pop, Jazz, Old BollywoodQuotes: ''I am my souls asylum'' ''Happiness is now. You dont need to go search for
Food and Drinks: Punjabi, Malayalam, Pan Asian
Books: Princess Series by Jean Sasson, The Blue Eyed Boy, The Fifth Witness
Movie Stars: Akshay Kumar, Tom Hardy, Gerard Butler, Jason Momoa
Movies: Life is Beautiful, Welcome, Andaz Apna Apna
T.V. Shows: Friends, The Vampire Diaries, Game of Thrones, Greys Anatomy
Music: Bollywood, Pop, Jazz, Old Bollywood
Quotes: ''I am my souls asylum'' ''Happiness is now. You dont need to go search for
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Reviewed How to Write a Resume
Theres only one tip that makes your resume go from the received pile to the short-listed pile, and that is whether they see you on paper or no. Resume Read more...
Too Repetitive
Reviewed Theobroma - Carter Road - Bandra - Mumbai
Ive been visiting Theobroma for years now. Every birthday is incomplete till someone gets a cake from here. And every year, and every birthday, itRead more...
Excellent Food, Brilliant Cocktail Menu
Reviewed One Street Over - Bandra - Mumbai
Ive been to this restaurant twice now. And both times my experience has been amazing! We ordered for different things off the menu on both occasions anRead more...
Guaranteed Works!
Reviewed How to Quit Smoking - Tips and Tricks
Now before I tell how, you need to WANT to quit smoking. The need to have smoke in your lungs should be gone. Now everyone knows that for chain smokers, the Read more...
Every coin has two sides
Reviewed Growing Up bin Laden - Jean Sasson
Osama Bin Laden has been a name feared throughout the world. His decisions and beliefs have taken the lives of thousands of innocent souls. But such is not tRead more...
A heartfelt novel
Reviewed Princess - Jean Sassoon
As soon as you open the book, you know youre in for an emotional ride. Coming through the eyes of a Saudi Princess, its shocking to see the respecRead more...
For people with numbered glasses
Reviewed Tips on Buying Sunglasses
One very small tip which I hope will help everyone - if you have high powered glasses, stick to the non branded sunglasses that are available at every opticiaRead more...
Yummy as hell
Reviewed Between Breads - Bandra West - Mumbai
The best burger ever! A small quaint little place inside the by lanes of Bandra. I went there with a few friends and seating was quick and comfortable. We orRead more...
Best in Taste
Reviewed Yummies - Bandra West - Mumbai
Yummies has been synonymous with Rizvi College and Bandra Chinese. The food here is an attraction for not only the college students and residents of the area,Read more...
Honor 8
Reviewed Huawei Honor 8
An amazing phone. Attractive looks. Easy to handle. Very user friendly. The additional dear honor feature ( activities based on voice recognition. Lower versiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed King_Slayer , vloger , kevalkakadiya , rababshaikh19 , jatin_mhapankar
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