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Member Since:Aug 05, 2008
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Never stay at this place
Reviewed Tirumala Residency Hotel - Tirupati
I am traveling to Tirupathi after several years may be 25 years or so. I remember stepping over spit and the filthiness of that place, however I fondly also rRead more...
Sony Viao - Let me save you some money
Reviewed Sony VAIO CR - VGN-CR363/B
I used to be a Sony Fan until I bought the new Sony Viao CR 363. Pardon my language; I think CR stands for "Crap 363". I purchased this some time on the montRead more...
Verna VGT
Reviewed Hyundai Verna
I own an Hyundai Verna VGT(diesel) and I was tempted to undertake this review on the Verna a couple of days after I had owned and driven the car, however I heRead more...
Fiat Palio 1.6 Sport
Reviewed Fiat Palio Stile
I drive a Hyundai Verna CRDI VGT which in my opinion is one of the best cars I have owned and driven. My wife bought herself the new Fiat Palio 1.6 Sport FormRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Thanks guys!! I must however confess that I did go to a centre in Chennai where people were a lot more presentable and pleasentable and they helped in nailing the problem though the second time. But still my hard disk had to be changed and I picked up a 320 GB Seagate. Now it works just fine and I u Read More...
Commented on fitzbinder's review
Hi there, Most of the Laura's do have this problem of misty patches. Mine too, however I did find a solution. There is a setting on the AC position which indicates that the AC blow oto the boady rather than the feet. Position to duct to 2 clicks below the position that indicates directed to the body Read More...
Commented on nitsluv80's review
Guys, I completely agree to the fact that the service needs to go a long way up if they need to stay competitive, however some of the reviews that I read on mouthshut are baseless and does not have the required contents. There is one gentleman who wrote about tyres left with a lump. This is primarly Read More...
Rated on christin.shelly's review
Msgill, Thanx!! I dont mean to confuse you but the Linea is an excellent piece of machine, but since I am more inclined to some speed as I am most of the time on the highway, I prefer the verna. The only problem with the Linea would be the service of the Tata's and the Prerna motors within Bangalore Read More...
Thanks Guys for all the encouragement. G to answer your question on the 215. Well yes. The car is fitted with a booster to its fuel line which enhances the power of the car to UPTO 30%. When I got this fitted into the car, I set it at level 2 of the 3 settings that are available. In addition I have Read More...
Commented on Rishighsh's review
When you looking for a Diesel car, there are only 2 cars you which is currently available in the market that has all the Value a car can give you. The fiesta and the Verna. The verna is fun to drive compared to the fiesta but the Fiesta is more fuel efficent 15 KMs in the city to 13 on the Verna. Bu Read More...
Commented on subhadip's review
Hi there, Thanks a ton for your comments. I have picked up a bullet thunderbird from then a few years ago but never had problems. but i will sure keep this in mind.
Rated on subhadip's review
Commented on saurabhjain2005's review
Hey Sarabh, Read your review. Was good and informative. Infact I have posted mine too. I completely agree with what you mentioned. This car is not for those who wish to move from point a to point b. They can the pick up a Maruti alto or say a swift. This car is for those who wish to experience ultim Read More...
Commented on benguela's review
I own a fiat palio and overall I am extremely pleased about the car. But just like many of you had mentioned both in this review as well as the otherpalio reviews, the service of the car sucks. Its such a shame that such a good car is masacared. In bangalore I believe Fiat is gonna start thieir own Read More...
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Rated on derebail2008's review
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