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Member Since:Nov 10, 2009
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Reviewed Tradus
Tradus.in is an premium online shopping portal which has the best deals when it comes to mobile, electonics, cameras, Storage devices, Mp3, ipod, gaming consoRead more...
Tradus.in - Auction site - india
Reviewed General Tips on Websites
IÂ wanted to buy a phone lately...was just not able to decide on the brand.So decided to go to various sites to understand best models and their specificationsRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on pure-evil's review
Hey Guys....guess what Mouthshut was a site for raising individual opinions...and not to behave like employees of some site or competition... So if the employee is really one of above...I think it can be easily solved... SO pure evil and Swarup17 please share your respectives ids. And Ca Read More...
Commented on own review
Hey Guys...guess what neutral parties are not here...rite So lets do one thing since you guys think I am an employee of Tradus Why not solve these issues...give me your user ids and i'll check out the real problem Besides the call centre number will be enough for me to dig out truth
Commented on tina.bhama's review
Hey Swarup....Its just a back bounce... I can clearly think that whatever i wrote hurt you probably you belong to one of them. Anyways i dont want to get into it. And yes though i am a newbie to mouthshut in terms of contributing to that doesnot means i cant raise an opinion moreover the Read More...
Hey Swarup....Its just a back bounce... I can clearly think that whatever i wrote hurt you probably you belong to one of them. Anyways i dont want to get into it. And yes though i am a newbie to mouthshut in terms of contributing to that doesnot means i cant raise an opinion moreover the si Read More...
Sorry for replying late...was out of town... thanks Tina for standing by my opinion... Hey swarup, i think before pointing out fingers just try it out...i think you would be happy selling products on tradus. I have never heard of dissatisfied sellers moreover have seen authorised sellers dir Read More...
Rated on amitesh911's review
Commented on swarup17's review
Hey guys I used to sell cellphones on ebay earlier...it has gone worse and cluttered...whereas i am just started trading on TRADUS.in a new online shopping portal...just started but is great
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