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Member Since:Sep 10, 2010
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Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Alto
This is Sree from Chennai, TN. I know that MS has really good reviewers. I wanted to buy a new Alto K10. I have read a lot of reviews and made up my mind to bRead more...
A True Road King.
Reviewed Hero Honda Karizma R
My Name is Sree. I am from Chennai,  TN. I recently purchased HH Karizma R (Black). It is a dream comes true for me personally. I gave a lot of thoughts aboutRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on ashu.arvind29's review
Following are the free accessories I get : floor Mat, sun film, steer cover, rear alarm, remote lock, seat cover(optional) Thats it.
Hi Ashu, I have booked i10 sportz White. It has many features than Magna. Dont worry about the music system. Its the same music system you get in Asta and Sonata too. An amp and a sub woofer will do. Dont know about the extra cost but not more than 10k. I took a test drive and its an absolute ple Read More...
Commented on devtandon21's review
Hi Muztariq, With all do respect, Lets stop arguing about the bikes. Bikes are like babies to each and every one. From my point, Karizma r is good and I love it.
Commented on own review
Hi Muztariq, This is with regards to your comment on choosing the best engine oil. Thanks for sharing that information. Well I have already bought Valvoline 20w50 4t premium. As said before in my previous comment, I have been using it for the past 1 week and feel a lot changes to my bike. I had pr Read More...
Hi muztariq, I like your comment. I dont know what bike you own, but certainly not a karizma. When this bike was released I was riding CBZ. I wasn't too impressed abt this bike then. But, I own it now because of its long term. I am not a person who wants to sell my bike for some shi**y price for s Read More...
Hi All, Few updates - My bike is doing well and I've completed 3000 kms. Haven't hasd too many issues with it yet. Mileage is constant - 35 - 38kmpl. I am riding this bike only in the city. I've recently change my engine oil from the company recommended to valvoline 20 - 50 w 4t premium. The reaso Read More...
Nice review dude. I liked the Argument too. I own the same and I adore it. I ride my karizma R mostly in and around the city I live in. Trust me, the best ever bike I've seen and been with. I know that the bike is capable of doing 140kmph with out any tuning. I've done 120KMPH yet. Because I did not Read More...
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