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Member Since:Feb 08, 2010
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Reviewed Honda CB Unicorn Dazzler
I own CB UNICORN DAZZLER from Dec-2010, and I have completed 6956 km as on date and 3 services as well. Still I feel its a brand new. I travel in busy streetsRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on surendrachandrawa's review
was it a review? I owned Dazzler for five and half years by now, Its awesome bike and I love it. Please don't put a write up for the sake of writing. It has one of the best seating positions that's commuter friendly.
Rated on sipuna's review
Commented on own review
yes bennith, those who have mastered the Unicorn Premium will definitely feel as you do. good observation from your side. taking into the consideration the overall benefits, I feel Dazzler stands first among the contemporary 150 CCs, (i am excluding Unicorn Premium as it is earlier version). and new Read More...
bennith, Dazzler lacks the pick up in 2nd gear comparatively. If u observe properly it gives a knocking pull when u apply 2nd gear and try to increase throttle suddenly. but after 25kmh speed the bike performance is awesome right. and try to reduce the chain sound u will feel buttersmooth. tell me a Read More...
Yup, Suryajit, the Cleaning the chain and lubricating with gear oil definitely works, causing no problems
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