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Member Since:Sep 15, 2016
640 MS Points
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Not recommendable
Reviewed Micromax Canvas Lapbook L1161 Laptop
Hey guys today I will tell you my personal experience about the Micromax canvas lapbook. I bought it around 1 year ago. Initially it worked well but after somRead more...
Worst product
Reviewed Lenovo 3000 Y100
Lenovo 3000 Y100 is a worst laptop I have ever used . I bought it around 2 years back . Initially it worked well but after using it for sometime it started giRead more...
Reviewed Nintendo 3Ds Xl
Nintendo 3Ds XI is a very bad product as per my view . I bought it around 2 years back and frankly saying this product is not at all good to be bought. Its dRead more...
Not a good one
Reviewed Body Art Fitness Centre - Bandra - Mumbai
Body art fitness centre is not a good one gym centre. I went there around 6 months ago. But the experience was too bad. The centre is located at a too hectic Read more...
Bad product
Reviewed iBall Slide
Iball slide is a worst tablet I have ever used. It not at all worth its price. It has too many bad features in it. It camera quality is not at all good. Its Read more...
Worst printer
Reviewed HP Deskjet F370
HP Deskjet F370 printer is not a good product as per its brand value. Ya its true that HP is a good brand in this industry but this product of the company is Read more...
Not a good LED
Croma led tv is a worst ever tv I have ever seen. Actually I didnt bought it myself but a close friend of mine has bought it. And seriously he is regretRead more...
Worst product ever
Reviewed DOMO nHance VR4
DOMO nHance VR4 is a worst VR kit I have ever experienced. I bought it from an online shopping site. I bought because its design was looking so attractive. BRead more...
Worst phone ever
Reviewed Karbonn Smart A26
Karbonn smart A26 is a smartphone just by name only. But in real terms its not a smartphone its a small phone with overloaded features in it which it cant opeRead more...
Fake products are sold
Reviewed Ebay
Ebay.in is an online shopping site. Once surfing on internet I went over to this site. I found many that are too cheaper than there market price so finally I Read more...
Waste of money
Reviewed Symphony Diet 50T
Symphony diet 50T is a cooler of the popular brand symphony but this product of the symphony is not at all as per its brand value. I bought around last summeRead more...
A bad product with cheap price
Reviewed Reconnect LED TV
Reconnect LED TV is a product of well known company Reliance. But sorry to say this product of the company is not at all good as per brand name. I bought it Read more...
Not a right choice
Reviewed HP PSC 1210 All-in-One
HP PSC 1210 All in one printer is the worst printer of the HP brand that I have ever used. Its printing time is too high . It takes around a min. To print a sRead more...
Reviewed Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 500 GB
Seagate freeagent goflex harddisk is a worst product of the seagate company I have ever used. Its not at all as per the expectations of the brand seagate. ThRead more...
Reviewed Karbonn K9 Viraat
Hyy guyss, I am here to share my personal views on karbonn K9 smartphone. I will publicly say that buying it is just a waste of money. Infact it is too costlyRead more...
Its too useless product
Reviewed Yo Bykes
Yo bykes is the worst two wheeler I have ever used in my life. Ya it is good that these are made for the eco friendly purpose but with that it is having too mRead more...
Worst experience
Reviewed Intex Aqua 3G
Intex aqua 3G is no doubt a low priced smartphone but if phone doesnt works good then there price doesnt matters. Ya no doubt intex is a good smartphone compaRead more...
Not as per its brand value
Reviewed Hitachi Split AC 1.5 Ton
Hitachi is the well known brand in air conditioner but when it comes to this product I would not hesitate to say that this product is not as per its brand valRead more...
Hopeless product
Reviewed Intex Irist Smartwatch
Intex irist smartwatch is actually smart from name only but in reality it is totally different I could say it is a foolish watch. Also it is too highly pricedRead more...
Worthless product
Reviewed HCL Laptops
Hcl laptop is the worst ever laptop that I have ever used. I do regret after buying it. There is nothing good to tell about this laptop. Ya it is cheap in priRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on debarghya939's review
Very useful review for me it gave me a direction to whether go for it or not.
Rated on debarghya939's review
Rated on Arnab370's review
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subash2025638 (@subash2025638MouthShut Verified Member)
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Fizza Khan (@favvxnvdhznsjhs12MouthShut Verified Member)
Prasanna Dommu (@POBox5843MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 11