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Member Since:Jan 22, 2018
510 MS Points
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Banty family Saloon
Reviewed Banty Family Salon - Jamshedpur
Banty family saloon in Jamshedpur. It is in namda basti,Jemco. Here is a barber himself Banty who can do every hairstyle in just 60 INR .It is a A/C showrooRead more...
Bosch CCTV camera
Reviewed Bosch Security
My father installed this cameras in his office. Its being a trustable brand from few years and it has kept his name.My father booked this cameras online and Read more...
Reviewed Set Wet Hair Gel
It is a disappointing product . I have personally tried it, It comes in different quantity pack and fragment flavours. I have used it for 2-4 times for stylRead more...
Chocolate Horlicks
Reviewed Chocolate Horlicks
It is a beverage food. Comes in other flavours also. You will also get 2 Kg , 1 Kg and other small packets including 10 INR sachets. Used by mixing it in mRead more...
Reviewed Myntra
If you are not purchasing a big brand please dont go for this e-commerce website, it is not at all reliable. One week ago I ordered a pair of boots of HRX frRead more...
Reviewed Facebook
A socail networking gaint. Biggest socail networking site launched by Mark Zuckerberg . Very easy to create your account just need email id or phone number.Read more...
State Bank of India
Reviewed State Bank Of India
One of the best banks in the following country India . Very popular bank have branches and ATM s all over country. But one of the problem is nowadays yRead more...
Reviewed Mouthshut
Very good app , you have to write reviews, for every positive review you will get 20 MS points and every negative review you will get 30 MS points, There is aRead more...
Boat rockerz 400
Reviewed Boat Rockerz 400 On-Ear Bluetooth Headphones
Very good headsets in just 1599 INR, I bought it 6 months ago , and its working as best as possible, sound quality is excellent it gives high base.It have 3 cRead more...
Reviewed SHEIN
Very bad experience with e commerce website. They used to keep advertising on my instagram wall with attractive designed clothes, so I ordered a hoodie and aRead more...
Reviewed WhatsApp
Good chatting app but it is very boring, there is no news feed, posts, socail groups you need contact number to chat or see profile picture of that particularRead more...
Wwe mayhem
Reviewed WWE Mayhem
I didnt like this game according to my taste of games. This game is available in Google Play Store which is nearly of 375 MB it is game related to a WrRead more...
Reviewed Snapdeal
Previously When Online shopping was not in use in large scale. Snapdeal was top e-commerce website but after sometime Snapdeals products price was incrRead more...
Reviewed Paytmmall
I am very disappointed from this E-commerce website launched by Paytm. Search bar systems are not functioning well, You search anything the result is anythinRead more...
Sony PlayStation 4
Reviewed Sony Playstation 4
No Doubt, an awesome product, Its my first ever PS, was very excited and its beyond my expectation! Coming to the product, it was having all the materials asRead more...
Vivo V7+
Reviewed Vivo V7 Plus
Fine product. Vivo sells this on the basis of camera only, and yes, its got a good front camera. But the rear camera is not up to the mark & considering theRead more...
Eureka Forbes Euroclean X Force
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Euroclean XForce
Before you buy any products from Eureka Forbes, please do speak with existing customers. If you find at least one customer who is happy with their after salesRead more...
Intex Protector 725 UPS
Reviewed Intex UPS
Loved the simplicity . just connect it . and it just works! No frills . no nonsense! Tip: I had actually bought it to provide power backup for my Aquaguard RRead more...
Samsung 21LTR Microwave
Reviewed Samsung 21 LTR CE76JD-B Convection Microwave Oven
I have bought this microwave Owen from a retailer near my home in Jamshedpur.The Owen was used occasionally for baking cakes and sometimes for microwaving fooRead more...
Lenovo Ideapad 320E
Reviewed Lenovo Ideapad 320E Laptop
Bought this product from Amazon. Lot of things have been changed in Windows 10 as compared to its previous counterparts. I3 processor seems to be slow. It takRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
I also think same
Commented on AtharIssaq's review
From your review it's clearly looking fake
Rated on AtharIssaq's review
Your comments should be genuine
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Commented on sanat654321's review
You should elaborate
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