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Member Since:Dec 09, 2006
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Reviewed Gulf Air
Don’t trust the other review! Read this first! I had regrets on flying with this airline as there all these bad reviews about it! I thought I would try it oRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sreekuin's review
have you wrote a review? air90? maybe they ran out of veg food? Complete a form on the website (gulfair.com) when i did (to give them best of luck on the GF get well program) I got a reply in only 2 days! GO GF! Sohail
Rated on sndryrjn's review
Commented on sndryrjn's review
I think you sould add more info, so we undersatnd how it all happeed, Try and compare it to other airlines e.g airindia
I am pakistaini and i have never ever been treated badly, Maybe your not lucky, I Have never ever come across it and rn_us is right, Just dont blame them.
Commented on kanegleeson's review
This review is very god, I have wrote one to and must admit that all you said is true and what i have experianced, But i have always got enough leg room as i book the seat that are infront of the big screen in the midle isle! thanks sohail
Rated on kanegleeson's review
Commented on zxampy's review
What u trying to say they are being racist? just for serving u! lol that is the worst ever thing i have heard of! U review does not even look real to me. Think, before you wright! They must of had a stressful day, Serving peaple on planes eg, legs hurt! But think if you had to stand up half of the Read More...
Rated on zxampy's review
Is this made up as i ahve never come acroos this ever! So please edit your review if it is not the truth as you are misleding ppl!
Commented on rupaksircar's review
Thanks for telling the real truth on gulf air! I have wrote a review to.
Rated on rupaksircar's review
Rated on musha_k's review
Commented on musha_k's review
Your review was fine, Sorry to hear you had to be put in econamy when you were ment to be put in business or first class! sometimes this happens with airlines, It cant be stoped, There must of been a good reason why. They sould of said sorry. Hope this review is not a fake. Hope this review is n Read More...
Rated on etihad's review
Commented on etihad's review
personaly, I must admit sometimes it is not the airlins fault for what happens eg a flight is delayed or canceled, But if you think about there are many reasons why they are delayed or cancels eg, faulty plane,plane late. I must admit i havent been with eithad and may go with them but personaly i am Read More...
Rated on svvmrao's review
Commented on svvmrao's review
mate u should learn some things about aircrafts! lol u cracked me up! The aircraft is old but it is still great enough to fly, NO airline IN THE WORLD would EVER let a plane wich is not able to fly, fly! That is beacuase they will not be able to cover the costs if the plane crashes! the shaking was Read More...
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