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Member Since:Sep 26, 2006
0 MS Points
Fast and Furious!!!. Biking,Programming,Gaming
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Education: BTech(ECE)
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Reviewed Sony Ericsson W810i
Good phone to own!!! I am using this cell for last 7 months and found it ok for my requirement. Writing down some pros and cons that will help u in decidingRead more...
A True Star...Pulsar 180 Upgrade!!!
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For past one month I was waiting eagerly for new pulsar 180 upgrade which I got on 22 Sep 2006.In black its a beast on Indian road.I think its the most beauRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on gayathriblr16's review
Commented on sajindasin's review
I am getting an average mileage of 14 kmpl at city and around 18-19 kmpl on highway. Sometimes though it crosses 24 kmpl on highway if at constant speed of 70-80 kmph.
I agree with your review as I am owning one since a year. Good car to own for city and highway drive. Though feel bit scary at corners at high speed, but I think that can be accepted if you are not a very enthusiastic driver.
Rated on sajindasin's review
Commented on ajayguptaose's review
I somehow agree with poor paint quality on bumpers. I had to change my rear bumper as a bike crashed into it and damaged the hook that holds the bumper. But apart from that, the car is awesome to own and drive. I have been owning 1.6 SX CRDi since one year and very satisfied with car performance and Read More...
Commented on verma2's review
Selling your car and still giving two star... irony... who will buy then?
Rated on verma2's review
Commented on SUMIT1328's review
As far steering feedback for Verna... it's extremely good and feedback increases as the speed increases. I have driven my Verna at 170 kmph and did not find any issue regarding suspension or steering. Its better to try yourself rather than listening to people who get carried away by reviews. Honda C Read More...
I bough the latest updated fluidic verna 1.6 SX CRDi and found the car extremely nice to drive, As far rear seat comfort and handling is concerned, I found it to be pretty good as against the review I read. However, for choosing a petrol vehicle, I feel Honda City is the best.
Commented on rahulkhairnar's review
I booked a Verna 1.6 SX CRDi two days back. Now it comes with new design allow wheels and remote boot opener and illuminated power windows switches. But lacks Spare Alloy wheel (steel wheel instead) and middle head rest. Does your car comes with same?
Rated on aavani's review
Followed karthik_kks
Rated on sabercutz's review
Commented on karthik_kks's review
Grt review boss!!! I too feel this is ’’the’’ movie that should get OSCAR for foreign movie category. Child’s psychology is very well depicted in the movie and is an eye opener for all those parents who wants their children to be topper but fails to understand what’s going inside the child’s mind. Read More...
Rated on karthik_kks's review
Commented on own review
Thanks all for ur comments. I ll surely work on to improve my writting skills. I agree that camera quality is good but try comparing the picture quality shot in low light condition. u ll find lots of red spots making picture bit hazy. For internet browsing, I am using opera mini. Even Read More...
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