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Member Since:Aug 23, 2006
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Suing India Plaza... anybody wants to join?
Reviewed India Plaza
i am going to sue india plaza for their unethical business practice, cheating and fraud. *Anybody who suffered the same is welcome to join as it will provideRead more...
Vishal Mega Mart
Reviewed Vishal Mega Mart - Delhi
Hi, Today I saw the Ad in the newspaper for Vishal mega mart in Hyderabad and went to the store. (Though it was almost 10 Km from my home and there are many Read more...
Beware of Halden Luxury / Belts Scam
Reviewed Haldenluxury
I want to share my experience with Halden Luxury, an online brand claiming to offer premium belts and leather accessories for men. Despite their luxurious braRead more...
Commented on own review
to 'inspiring.progress' .. i don't know if it work or not.. but i will see through the end. I am not fighting for a little 100 or 1000 Rs. My fight is for greater cause. i own my own web sites.. in Inida where people don't go shopping online because of these kind of cheater. Its directly or indi Read More...
Rated on ritwicksanyal's review
Commented on ritwicksanyal's review
i am not sure if you get paid for writing your review... have you find yourself ever when you brough something and find it's not working. not as per descrption? had you tried to contact customer care in this situation? my friend.. all your prons would have gone by that time. this is a one big Read More...
Rated on anand_ich's review
Commented on arunsabharwal's review
Please read my review.. thats also from garment section. You will find out how it hurts until it happenes with you too.
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