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Member Since:Apr 17, 2013
0 MS Points
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Reviewed Airtel Broadband
For 08041229217 the connection has been pathetic since the last 90 days or so, now since 051017 the line has been dead the connectivity suddenly goes off and Read more...
H(umara) D(evelopment)C(omes)F(irst)
Reviewed HDFC Bank
One gets superb lip service, but when it comes to actually solving problems no one is interested in helping out, the RM will promote himself rather than look Read more...
Great Story, Poor Execution
Reviewed Tumko Meri Kasam
As a fan of biographical dramas, I was excited to watch Tumko Meri Kasam, directed by Vikram Bhatt. Usually known for his horror stories, I had high hopes forRead more...
Commented on vemulaajay's review
My twin door refrigerator which is 4 years old does not cool the fridge properly, I am personally not happy with this company. My view avoid all LG products.
Rated on gursarab_007's review
Commented on rc21111984's review
yes service is not good if you get stuck
Rated on rc21111984's review
Commented on bharathsuvarna's review
On hdfc bank site you have the RBI address, you can complain to them, under customer service just shoot off 3-5 mails and nail these guys to the wall
Commented on Eshh's review
when we have work they will not respond but when they want fd/insurance produts to be sold they will definitely show up, THESE GUYS ARE FAKE AND ONLY THINK OF THEIR COMMISSION.
Commented on satya216's review
just complain to rbi with cc to the md see site for address
Commented on own review
read the title as H(umara)D(evelopment)F(irst)C(omes)
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