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Member Since:Apr 23, 2006
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First of Its kind
Reviewed Innovative Multiplex - Marathahalli - Bangalore
Innovative multiplex is the first of its kind in Bangalore. But this one is in a remote area as compared to the others. Its in marathahalli . We find it difRead more...
Reviewed Symphony - Bangalore
I have been to this theater only once. So my views may not be fully true,as it may be the case of that particular day/show. The rare thing while you watching Read more...
Waste theater
Reviewed Sangeet Theatre - Shivaji Nagar - Bangalore
Completely agree to Appravi. Only one more thing to add. Sangeeth theater advertises as it features DTS . (There is something actually). But I have been watRead more...
Very Good
Reviewed PVR - Koramangala - Bangalore
PVR is one of the excellent multiplexes in India. In bangalore PVR has 11 screens. But they devide people as three catogery here depending on the facilitieRead more...
Reviewed INOX - Garuda Swagath - Bangalore
Inox is best in Bangalore . It is as same as the mutiplex in us and uk. High standard projection and aquastic systems.Only thing is that Foods cant be broughtRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on GirlNextStore's review
HI , SHALIMAR is not the last indian movie shot in PANAVISION. In 1999 , the Indo-french production film , Vanaprastham ' a malayalam movie starring Mohan lal(he got national award for best actor,film got best film award) shot in panavision. But coming December , a completely locally made mov Read More...
Commented on diver's review
hi Tennison, gr8 review..You missed about the technichal part . As far as i am concerned,this movie is very important to me because ,this is the first movie which made me think about the technichal side of a movie that means what hapenes behind the camera....I was just 14 when i watched this movie.. Read More...
Rated on diver's review
Commented on jyoti_sprakash's review
By now .you might have watched ,Chandramukhi's success..but is taht really mean that is a good movie...? Forget all , take teh important scenes , in which saundarya character is revealed about her disease for teh first time, and teh climax scene..search in youtube for manichithrathazhu scenes and co Read More...
Commented on VenuVedam's review
Very nice review about the movie. I dont know telugu and as a mallu, we usully dont watch (actually we dont get them to watch )telugu or kannada movies .Still I watched this movie 2-3 times ..what more attracted me is teh excellent acting displayed by Mahesh babu .. much more than we expect from a Read More...
Rated on VenuVedam's review
Commented on svjayalakshmi's review
hi , gr8 review and gr8 selections . And how about the song, 'poovey un vaasam ,and raamanin oviyam janaki mandiram ( please forgive me if ther is any mistake in lyrics as I am a malayali, but i remember these songs but don't know movie names)
Rated on svjayalakshmi's review
Commented on own review
hi, xabhishek I meant , the locations of other multiplexes are in important locations such as inox in mg road and pvr in koramangala . innovative is useful for only people from a certain areas.Others would find it difficult to get there.
Followed jasmine
Commented on venkey_23's review
A pretty good review abt the prarthana..but I have a doubt , how would be the sound ? Is the modern sound systems (dolby/dts)applied ? if so how .?
Hi, You have made a good review but some mistakes are there.. Mammoty's first film is not Devalokam.The very first film he appeared for 2-3 sec of time is 'Anubhavangal Palichakal'. Also Mammoty got National award three times.Not twice. Third time in 1997 ,for Dr.BabaSahebAmbedkar(Hindi/Eng). The Read More...
Rated on jeetu7's review
Rated on honeyking's review
Commented on honeyking's review
How can you rate this multiplex with just one movie watching experience. I have went there to watch Anyan and mangal pande. The dts audio system was really rocking. Excellent sound I could experience.Also good projection. No comments abt another facilities...
Commented on pranav_cet's review
Its a column to write review on REX theater. What did you mean writing a review on something else here.
Commented on bvin2k's review
Hi , I have a question to sriraam.I have been in Bangalore for many years and a regular spectator of mallu movies. In Bangalore mallu movies are coming inly in PVR,Sangeeth,manoranjan,banasankari theater .only.nox never showed a malayalam movie. Then how could you watch mallu movie in INOX.In betwee Read More...
Commented on john_elvis's review
Everthyng is nice in PVR except their sound system. They occuppy dolby digital . They dont have the only sound-on-disk sysem DTS . Rest everything is international standard.
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