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Member Since:Sep 04, 2007
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Great Car
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki SX4
I bought SX4 car on 28th March 2008. Its a ZXi version. I would like to share my experiences which are very practicle. I stay in Kota in Rajasthan But I belonRead more...
Best In Availability
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 220 DTS Fi
I purchased this bike on 18th August 07 and got it from jaipur. As I belong to Kota I have to take it to Kota by road which is 260 Kms fom JAIPUR. I tried thRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on himank7's review
Rated on dkg777's review
Rated on Madrista's review
Commented on Madrista's review
Is it a review. I think we are in review section
Rated on apk_net's review
Rated on NaveenBachwani's review
Commented on akb158's review
Dear Mr. JK.Jee The blog is very much there. But I am sorry to say that this is the height of your 'MIND BANKRUPTCY' The blog is about an accident not about the quality of the product. and I think that any car in the world can meet this fate if gets accidented. This shows the driving neg Read More...
Commented on like2talk's review
Dear MrJK Jee. or Noida Car Buy Magazine named Autocar (May 2008 Issue) go to page no 51 and check there Verna Petrol has a discount of Rs. 55000/-. Its time to get your basics right. Kindly practice this before preaching to others. And I am not talking of diseal Verna because the entire de Read More...
Commented on adidhar's review
Dear MrJK Jee. Buy Magazine named Autocar (May 2008 Issue) go to page no 51 and check there Verna Petrol has a discount of Rs. 55000/-. Its time to get your basics right. Kindly practice this before preaching to others. And I am not talking of diseal Verna because the entire debate is over Read More...
Dear Mr. Adhidhar New Corolla is very much on the cards. It will be launched in August 2008. Kindly stop yourself and buy the new version of corolla in August. It is definitely better than the current corolla. Please stop your buying at this moment.
JK Jee I think you always live in dreams Read the auto car Verna is ofering a whopping discount of Rs. 55000/- So kindly wake up to the reality. And I think you are not aware of demand and supply procedure. A new product always sells more but after some month the sales of any product is stagnant. Read More...
Dear Carlover2008 Kindly Note Sales Figure - in April 08 (ACCORDING TO YOU). Verna Petrol Sales Figure - 1058 (AS PER YOU) SX4 Sales Figure - 1174 (AS PER YOU) SX4 is kicking everybody's @SS in petrol. Kindly note: SX4 DONT HAVE A DIESEL OPTION So lets not calculate Out of ca Read More...
Commented on own review
Dear Mr. Adhidhar, I myself is driving SX4 and a Ford Ikon Flair(New). I have drivenmy new SX4 more than 3000 Kms.Had First service also too gud experience. (For more information on my review please read my review just below your review) At the moment SX4 is complete package. If you buy SX4 yo Read More...
Mr. Car Lover or whatever Mr. Adhidhar has asked your suggestions not your classification and critisism. So if you dont have one dont participate
Dear Adhidhar Kindly Note that Honda Vtech On road Price in Delhi is above Rs. 870000 (Approx). Why you see city more on roads because it gives 2 kms extra per litre in a milegage hungry country nothing else. But I think the person who has budget of Rs. 8L to buy a car he surely have money t Read More...
Dear Adidhar, About Ford I can tell u vry well. I had used a ford Ikon Josh Machine till 2006 and I can say one thing that cars from ford stable are too good but really Spares parts are too too costly. If somehow you willdamage your bumper in a ford they will rob you like anything. The cost wil Read More...
About the back seat I would like to say that it is cmfortable for 3 passanger if you get a good seat cover. the hump in the middle vanishes if the seat cover is well padded. if you dont put seat cover then it is a bit problem. Neil the trunk is manual it doesnot have the button or electronically Read More...
Commented on rishi_083's review
Engine Guard hardly makes any difference. Its the power, Pick up of the bikes which will excite you. I am using it since 17th July 07. Looks of the bike is a very personal matter. You might like A but i like B. Overall good looking bike
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