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Member Since:Sep 15, 2013
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#Brick and Bolt, #Quick build construction Mysore
Reviewed Brick and Bolt
Just check the PICTURES, how they work or tortured us, finally after 2yrs my house was completed, BUT was used by contractors watchman before GRIHAPRAVERead more...
MB interiors and constructions bogadi road Mysore
Reviewed MB Interior - Mysore
Pavan k s and Hari took 6, 5 lakhs for project works, but abandoned the work in between and disappeared, , Used cheap material, within one month , we have speRead more...
Brick and Bolt , Talk to the property owne
Reviewed Brick and Bolt - Bangalore
Take feedback from property owner where ever they are showing properties talk to the owner privately , 40 L project went to 70L , for simplex it took 2yrs , cRead more...
Waste of Money and Time
Reviewed Vidyarambh Playschool Daycare and Activity Center - Bangalore
Nothing to talk about, do not punish your kid, by opting for this school. No transparency, my kid used to cry daily and the reason they give is diaper changinRead more...
Kenstar very poor device and service
Reviewed KenStar Irons
The day we bought this product problems started.no one came for demo.which seller informed people would come to explain.and the plastic got broken.with in oneRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Fake ID is Want some money for surgery. ??? Tell this to your Detectives also , One police complaint can teach many things , no jobs to children also , that's called suffering,
Still I didn't go Instagram and Twitter account, bear this in mind , if you want I don't mind
Ohh, our contractor is still sniffing around my house like Dog , jobless , mental fraud, country side detection, Police or RERA will TC , just waiting Giving feedback on carpenter cheaters also , who were brainwashed by the BNB contractor.
Don't buy if they say issue is resolved, otherwise they will make you fool out of nothing..
Commented on BricknBolt's response
Ya ya , what you will do with CRN number now , project is completed, right from starting we were crying for help , PM, SE none of you could control the contractor Shiva Kumar of Quickbuild constructions Mysore, I was ABUSED by contractor in front of my child , came to Bangalore office but of no use Read More...
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