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Member Since:Oct 01, 2007
8 MS Points
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Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed genevievedsouza
Commented on harish6363's review
Will you please share the details of d spares dealers from whom you got the spares at less cost? My e mail is swapnilnatu@gmail.com
Commented on bhaskarmr's review
I think they have not replaced the compressor. It seems like they have just got it repaired from local workshop & fixed back.
Commented on hbhagat2009's review
How much you spend on your machine? Which model you have got? I am planning to go with a 8.5Kg. Auto Bubble tech. Front loading washing machine which costs 55k. Would u suggest me to go with Samsung washing machine?
Commented on RKrishar's review
But what's the product? is it front loading washing machine? R u happy with overall performance ?
Followed sukumarmjain , samitjoshi1982 , amitmardolkar , venkatesh_re474 , sandychanda
Commented on kanankhandelwal's review
brother, You are using this vehicle for just 3 months. Hope by God's grace ur vehicle is the best among every one. But the Access has lot of issues w.r.t. engine. After 25 K kms, engine will start burning oil, oil level will reduce drastically, noise & vibrations will increase. CVT transmission g Read More...
Commented on asdfz565's review
also make sure to get the old parts in your custody, also if possible, get the spare parts from the showroom & get it fitted through a local mechanic in front of your eyes. These showroom people will not replace the parts, somehow they will make sure the warranty period gets over.
You can get all the doccuments & go to consumer court. They will give u proper justist & will make sure you will get all of your money back.
You can go to consumer court with all documents. U will get justist or you will get ur every penny spent with interest.
Commented on paragwarang's review
But can any one experienced the Gear Box problem? I took test drive & i was disappointed, bike was making noise like a stock pulsar & pick up was also not good & gear box was making sound like hammering... Do any one overcome this experience?
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