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Member Since:Dec 18, 2015
264 MS Points
B.tech student Full of life Frank straight forward Instagram: syedjunaidalli
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Not as expected
Reviewed Kaabil
Firstly I should say that I had great expectations from this movie but the movie is not up to the mark I must say hrithik acted very well and even yami acted Read more...
Good website
Reviewed Amazon
Recently I ordered a lenovo mobile phone from this website it was delivered on time and I was so happy as well as exited to use my smart phone but later I notRead more...
The downfall
Reviewed Tata Docomo Mobile Operator
I remember when I bought a tata docomo sim I was so exited to be a part of this network the service was so good and even the tariff plans plus the internet spRead more...
Waste of time and money
Reviewed Sardaar Gabbar Singh
This is the worst performance by pawan kalyan maybe he thought that he would just stand in front of the camera and make the audience fool His over smartness Read more...
Waste network
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
Eliance is a very poor network and everywhere reliance is not available. Many times reliance is busy at night. For poor people this is not good. In our villagRead more...
Never thought that this would happen ever
Reviewed Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
How can I believe my eye is this for real? Is it really part of the star wars series? I never thought that I would ever see this kind of movie relatedto star Read more...
Must watch movie
Reviewed Dilwale (2015)
I must say this is a must watch movie its a complete family picture and a complete paisa vasool picture and the dua have a great chemistry between them varun Read more...
Great gym to workout
Reviewed Body Makers - Malakpet - Hyderabad
I must say I have been to a lot of gyms but never seen this kind of discipline like here anywhere and the traning given by the coach of here is really gRead more...
Great place to hangout
Reviewed Naba Bakery - Malakpet - Hyderabad
A very good place to hang out with your friends calm place and the taste of the food is also really good you would get fast food as well as the bakery items aRead more...
Worst college anyone could study
Reviewed Asifia College of Engineering and Technology - Hyderabad
Firstly I would like ti tell you all that this college is like a nightmare for me The college campus is like a horror building so scary and there is no canteRead more...
Please don't buy from here
Reviewed Ebay
I will recommend you all not to buy any thing from this website because the quality these people give you is not good at all it is so cheap they show really gRead more...
Worst season of all times
Reviewed Bigg Boss
I must say big boss is really a good show but this time they came up with really bad contestants they dont know how to entertain the audience never thought thRead more...
A good show to watch
Reviewed Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi
I only watch this show because of the female lead actress she is damn cute to watch I just go mad by seeing her and the plot of the show is also really good tRead more...
Must have
Reviewed Sony Xperia C3 Dual
The moment we opened the box, the mint-coloured Sony Xperia C3 Dual grabbed our attention. This is probably the snazziest colour weve ever seen on a smaRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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I love it
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I love candy
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