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Member Since:Aug 06, 2007
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. http://www.flickr.com/photos/tellanand
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KotakSecurities - AVOID
Reviewed Kotak Securities
If anyone is reading this to find out what KotakSecurities is all about - you are doing a sensible delegation. I did not do any research on KotakSecurities beRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Rated on zaidanfarooq's review
Commented on zaidanfarooq's review
Very true - this is a desperate and futile attempt by Kotak to salvage themselves. Cheats.
Commented on pradeepsim61's review
Stay away from Kotak - they are a scam. They are there to loot your money and provide no service.
Commented on akt42002's review
Anil sir: I’m sorry to hear your plight - though I’m not surprised that Kotak is doing this - they are very capable of being incompetent and making false promises - they infact do it all the time to their customers. Unfortunately, NO ONE in Kotak will be able to help you - they are just a bunch o Read More...
Rated on akt42002's review
Rated on DevinC's review
Commented on insiderinfo's review
Great review pal. KotakSecurities is a rouge broking house that has to GO!! It’s a black-spot in the Indian Broking Industry. I’ve had my share of EXTREMELY BITTER expericences with Kotak!! I’d NEVER want to do anything with any entity that Kotak owns. - Anand Nagarajan
Rated on insiderinfo's review
Rated on sachusaxena's review
Commented on own review
Sahil11 / Pklochaa: I apologize for spamming. I agree that the first time I posted it on whereever I found the word Kotak. But later, I posted it only in Kotak Securities and that got deleted. I'll be a good citizen moving forward. Help me! - Anand
Rated on thinavila's review
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