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Member Since:Sep 16, 2002
0 MS Points
Grew up in India, got a B.Tech from IIT Madras(B.Tech), MBA from IIM(MIS)Bangalore and decided to head to the US for my PhD. Unfortunately, before I started my dissertation I got a fantastic teaching job in a Southern California University and my PhD never materialized. They did give me an MS in Information Systems though. Been teaching full and part-time for the last 21 years - both graduate, undergraduate and adults re-entering education. Am very passionate about teaching. In the last 6 years in the US also headed the MIS Department of a medium-sized consulting firm. Returned to India last year to start my own business working for my ex-company Live with my two dogs, work from home, no children, no spouse, no interruptions. Intend to take up writing of academic and non-academic books as a hobby. Music - Rock&Roll, Blues, Jazz, some Reggae Travelling abroad Camping, Hiking Driving long long distances up the coastline(cant do this in India-traffic too thick for me) Reading - Science Fiction, Thrillers and Non-Fiction Crossword Puzzle Solving Animal Rights Activist
About Me
Education: B.Tech IITM, MBA IITB, MSIS Univ of Illinois
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Dishnet DSL - An Ongoing Living NightMare
Reviewed Dishnet DSL
I returned to India last year after spending 20 years in the US. Settled in Indias Silicon Valley, Bangalore, to operate my busiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on coolneyguy's review
Hi, I, like you, am one of those unfortunates who invested heavily in Dishnet DSL connections and I agree entirely with what you have to say. I've already posted my comments. Dishnet, technically and as a customer-oriented company SUCKS BIG TIME!
Commented on karamveer's review
Your comments that DSL speeds for Dishnet are 200 times faster than phone lines for the setup costs you have described are simply not true. When I was in the US, I had a DSL connection, with a downstream speed of 1.44Mbps. Now that's fast! The typical config for Dishnet is a 64KBPs connection with a Read More...
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