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Member Since:Oct 28, 2007
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Graet Ambience
Reviewed INOX - Garuda Swagath - Bangalore
When I first came to Inox almost one and a half years back, it was amassed with the interiors they have done, It looked out of the world and great place to gRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Rated on unifav2006's review
Rated on amittal's review
Commented on amittal's review
We Indian do not understand the right process of doing things Secondly ignore rules and regulation Thirdly would go to any length to prove our self right even if we are wrong. For a better India my dear educated illiterate person, Instead of blaming the poor executive and manager of PVR, Read More...
Commented on the_master's review
Gr8 comment lol, i think nariman point being one of the costliest area in asia, the rates justify the plush interior, the hotel next door like oberoi and taj r charging 15000++ for 300sqft area at least these places make us feel that luxury has takers in India as well
Rated on the_master's review
Rated on mjain69's review
Rated on coolcritic007's review
Rated on smartmouth's review
Commented on ramaniyer's review
A very well written review, icici is actually a trap, beware, keep out theyy also put you in trap by doing a aggrement with builder and telling you that builder only have approval from icici, no other bank will sanction loan for the house. approach consumer forum and save your hard earned mone Read More...
Rated on ramaniyer's review
Commented on gitesh_a's review
icici just know how to fool people, I started EMI of my home loan @ 7500 pm now it is 9500 pm, plus one year extra i.e, 21 years of EMI's. beware of taking loan from icici, icici = officially dressed daciot
Rated on gitesh_a's review
Rated on outlaw4u's review
Commented on outlaw4u's review
seems you dont have a sense of style or upper classs the red area is a uniquely done place, one of the most innovative interior ever seen by me
Rated on harpreet_s77's review
Commented on harpreet_s77's review
I had a completely different experience, I am an hotelier and understand guest dealing and systems very well. I had lost my mobile, I went and told the security they paged the person concerned. the peson came and took the details and gave me my mobile after checking and filling the lost and found Read More...
Rated on Gyaani's review
Commented on Gyaani's review
you seems to enjoy the nostalgia of pee and rotten smell of urvashi. enjoyeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Commented on beeps_india's review
It was an excellent first half, but the second half was not able to join pieces and make an impact. The same could have been one of the most well made movie, if anurag kashyap would have lived upto the great story teller; name he has made after black friday. The end credits were worst done ever Read More...
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Md Amir (@mdamir960645MouthShut Verified Member)
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Walnut Surfe (@WalnutMouthShut Verified Member)
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