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Member Since:Mar 08, 2016
107 MS Points
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Very good mobile
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy S5
This is one of the good mobile in the world. I am also being using last 2 year. And it have more options and the technology that were used for this mobile is Read more...
Not a star
Reviewed Star Sports
This television is for only sports but it does not work with 2g network and some time it is not respond with 3g network as well. Particularly when we are watcRead more...
Super start vijay tv
Reviewed Star Vijay
The vijay television  is super star television in tamil nadu.  Always this television use to create new new this like sireals and drama and activity games andRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on swatirawat0588's review
Commented on swatirawat0588's review
Yes your correct the website is not jenunes
Followed Akkuhamsa
Rated on RupsTalks's review
Commented on RupsTalks's review
How is houseful at very low number of days
Rated on kthirumaran92's review
Commented on kthirumaran92's review
Yes it is correct
Rated on Simithakkar's review
Commented on Simithakkar's review
Nice one bro
Rated on kettanm's review
Commented on kettanm's review
You're very correct bro
Rated on bilalsayed90's review
Commented on bilalsayed90's review
You are rightly said
Rated on emailtosanjaypokh's review
Commented on emailtosanjaypokh's review
Rated on AmandeepKaur125's review
Commented on AmandeepKaur125's review
Rated on manishbhardwaj789's review
Commented on manishbhardwaj789's review
Rated on atharkhan's review
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