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Member Since:Apr 25, 2018
40 MS Points
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Review of the Day (1)
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Reviewed Orationis International Tour Services - Pune
Orationis International Services cheated me with the false services, Initially, they took my details from more stores and later they invited me for their compRead more...
Fake Vouchers
Reviewed One97 Communications Pvt Ltd ( Paytm )
Paytm gave me fake promo code and played with for some time to resolve then they said Promo validity is expired. Later they just closed the complaint without Read more...
Dead Slow
Reviewed JioFi M2S 4G Portable Data + Voice Hotspot
I have been using Jio internet for a long time, it works very slow in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.Whenever I approach jio people say many customers are using from Read more...
Painful Service
Reviewed Indigo Airlines
Flight 6E-587, PNR:ILJQ5H, Seat 13 C I was traveling from Hyderabad to Indore On 3rd June, flight time was 18:05 and I stood in the queue from 17:30 to 21:15Read more...
Scary Service
Reviewed Paytm
Paytm makes customers lose huge amount of money, it offers attractive rewards and leads them to choose Paytm but the end customers lose money because of CheapRead more...
Unfair and unfaithful service
Reviewed PNBHFL - PNB Housing Finance
REF/HOU/INDV/0918/577704 PNB bluffed me with attractive interest rates and offered me a good loan amount. Once I became a customer to PNB, they changed theirRead more...
Fraud Service
Reviewed Amazon
Hi There, I made an order in Amazon, order no: 408-8209322-4837110 which should be delivered on 19/11/2018. I received a message on 19th from Amazon that sayRead more...
Irresponsible Staff
Reviewed The Professional Couriers
Hello, Reference No: JPT786072 We sent a parcel from JPT, AP on 16th September and it reach Indore on 20th September but still they havent delivered tRead more...
Useless Service
Reviewed Floweraura
Hi There, I ordered a rakhi in floweraura as they have a special web page for rakhi, they promised me to deliver on 24th but they failed to deliver on 24th aRead more...
Very Slow Service
Reviewed ICICI Bank
Hi There, I applied for a savings account in Indore, Executive Goldie took all the documents from me and they took 10 days to activate the Account. Even theyRead more...
Fruad Service
Reviewed Ola Cabs
Ola charged me multiple times for one ride. The driver took again 55 INR even I paid bill 55 INR from google pay, I showed payment screenshot still he demandRead more...
Bad Attitude
Reviewed HDFC Bank Ltd (HDFC)
Hdfc bank staff has a bad attitude, they dont know how to speak the customer and they are not keen to the business. Most of the banks are ready to come Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on asingh221996's review
Rated on sagargandhi800's review
Commented on tanujsaiyam29's review
They charged multiple times for one ride.
Commented on saranyaable's review
They make customer dumb and grab the money.
Rated on saranyaable's review
Rated on naik275's review
Commented on goodnishant's review
Paytm plays cheap tricks which none uses in the entire world, they hide actual details, leads the user to chose Paytm and makes the user lose the money.
Commented on own review
Paytm application is very dangerous, it's not user-friendly even and it doesn't show proper instructions to the user. Paytm just makes the people to lose the money by tricks, hides the information and it adds the extra things automatically without customers confirmation. When the user wants to pay t Read More...
They never change, PNB is asking money to provide loan documents. I paid three installments already, they took processing fee and they never gave me loan documents. Even there is no written document for emi date and terms & conditions. Most of the companies provide the documents regarding the servi Read More...
Rated on ravigubbala9's review
Rated on arpandziner's review
Commented on jtoomwz's review
PNB people just cheat the customers, they promised me to provide loan amount 4600000 at 8.89 interest rate. But once i became a customer to them they changed everything ,they increased interest rate to 9.20 and loan amount was reduced to 3200000. They got very bad attitude, they don't even resp Read More...
Rated on 1987vikasmali's review
Commented on bhaskarvsagar's review
They are very lazy, they don't care clients.
Rated on shriasokarajan's review
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